5 Reasons To Include Kiwi Fruit In Your Winter Diet

Fruit is an integral part of our daily diet. These fresh produces are loaded with essential vitamins and minerals and are also delicious in taste. The best part about fruits is you can relish them without cooking. Each season brings a plethora of these sweet delights and there are numerous ways to consume them.  

Coming to winter season, we have guavas, pomegranates, custard apples, oranges, apples, grapes, papayas and so on. Kiwi is another winter fruit that is widely popular in India. It has a furry brownish green skin along with edible purple-black seeds at the white centre. According to U.S. Department Of Agriculture, 100 g of kiwi fruit has 61 kcal energy, 1.14 g protein, 3 g fibre, 34 mg calcium and 312 mg potassium.  

Here are five reasons to include kiwi fruit to your daily diet: 

Boosts Immune System

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, this fruit is rich in vitamin C, carotenoids, polyphenols, and dietary fibre that help in boosting the immune system. So, include kiwi fruit in your daily diet and stay safe from winter sickness. Eating two to three kiwi fruits daily is enough for an adult.   

Improves Digestive Health

As mentioned earlier, kiwi fruit has an ideal amount of dietary fibre which is good for digestive health. As per the National Center for Biotechnology Information, kiwifruit extract alone can digest some proteins present in foods, particularly those in yoghurt, cheese, fish, and raw eggs. You can also relish kiwi fruit as salad, smoothie and pudding and salsa. 

Good For The Heart 

As per the National Center for Biotechnology Information, the nutrients present in kiwi fruit help in maintaining healthy blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease. The dietary fibre present in them also contributes to lowering LDL (or bad cholesterol) in the body which in turn is good for the heart. 

Supports Bone Health

Vitamin K present in this fruit contributes to the formation of new bone cells and as a result it helps in building bone mass. As stated earlier, kiwi fruit is also a good source of calcium which is a vital nutrient for bone health. Therefore, eat kiwi fruit daily during winters and keep your bones strong. 

Benefits Hair Growth

Hair fall is one of the major problems in today’s world. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, kiwi fruit is rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, magnesium and zinc that help in improving blood circulation. This in turn has a positive effect on hair growth. The iron present in this fruit also helps in strengthening the hair roots.