Remember this time last year, when we were investing all our energy to whip up a perfect Dalgona coffee for the gram. Seems like coffee lovers weren’t satisfied with just one new variation. So now we’ve got something called egg coffee. Not very uncommon in another part of the world, egg coffee is originally a Vietnamese specialty.
Recently, Chef Saransh Goila brought the netizens’ attention to this special coffee that gives him a bit of nostalgia. What happened next? Everyone was whipping eggs for their coffee. The concoction is made up of roasted dark coffee with the magic ingredient: the egg yolks. The coffee turns out to be really soft, smooth and fluffy and the creamy texture will surely amaze you.
This three-ingredient coffee has been a delicacy for the Vietnamese for years. Call it joe, cà phê trứng or simply, egg coffee, it is the traditional recipe and flavours that make it such a lovely experience. Little did we know that this invention was a result of milk shortage at a hotel, back in 1946. The French war had left Hanoi in a dearth of dairy supplies, particularly milk. That’s when a bartender at the Sofitel Hotel came up with the idea of substituting eggs for milk. Unaware of what a genius proposal he had made, he made his staff try the coffee and well, egg coffee became the new normal.
Across Vietnam, you would find several shops selling Vietnamese coffee but the original recipe is still safe with the Giang family (bartender’s family). We couldn’t obviously dig up their secret but here’s a quick version of the Vietnamese joe that will give you the ultimate taste of heaven.
Before you get lost in its flavours, it is not just a coffee but a wonderful dessert too.