Well, scientific studies have shown that the skins of certain fruits contain much more nutrients than the fruit itself. In fact, in some cases, peeling off the skin lowers the nutrient value of the fruit altogether.
Here we list down 5 fruits that should stop peeling and start eating with their skin.
A winter fruit that’s available year-round nowadays, apples are a rich source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C and fiber. But where does it get all this nutrition from? All these vitamins are present in the skin of apple along with flavonoids which make it necessary to have it with the skin on. Apricots can also be eaten in a similar way.
Sweet potatoes
The skin of sweet potatoes is packed with antioxidants. Peeling off before cooking will simply deprive you of their nutritional value along with Vitamin C, E, potassium, folate and various minerals.
A refreshing summer coolant, the benefits of cucumber are enhanced as soon as you start eating it with the skin. Yes, it’s true. After all, you don’t want to miss out on a dose of Vitamin K, potassium and fiber, do you? Though you can do away with waxy layer before eating.
Citrus fruits
Lemon and orange peels can work wonders in the form of face packs, for sure. But consuming them along with the pulp will make it even better. The zest of their peels or even an orange peel powder is a magic flavour for soups and desserts.
As much as you enjoy eating this sweet fruit, its peels are great for you too. Did you know that mango peels alone contain Vitamin A & C as well as something called phytonutrients which will can eliminate the risk of cancer.
Note: Before consuming any of these fruits, make sure that you have washed them thoroughly as they may contain pesticide residue. Or else, try to look for organic fruits.