How To Make Restaurant-Style Cold Coffee At Home, Fool-Proof Tips And Tricks

Be it the hot and sultry summer season or the nippy monsoons, cold coffee is one drink that is refreshing while being dark and intense at the same time. It is one of those perfect brews for coffee lovers who like the mix of rich, sweet, thick and strong. And do coffee lovers need a fixed time to relish a cup of it? Never. Cold coffee is a drink that has a universal appeal. Isn’t it your most frequently ordered of drink at restaurants? A simple drink, which has just a few ingredients and is therefore, difficult to mess up. But no matter what we do, we often find ourselves failing to recreate the same taste of the restaurant-style cold coffee at home. Isn’t it? A perfect glass of cold coffee which is thick, but not too thick like a shake, sweet and creamy but not overpowering and strong with just the right amount of coffee for the kick of energy, is that too much to ask for? We say not!  

A mix of a strong flavour balanced with the right amount of sugar and milky creaminess, is sometimes difficult to achieve. While there is no one 'perfect' recipe for preparing cold coffee, there could be certain tips one can follow to get a perfect glass of it. Some people like to make it more on the sweeter end and also add vanilla ice cream to chocolate syrups on the other hand, some skip out milk entirely from the mix. You may alter the recipe of the drink according to your choice but must follow certain steps to make it count.  

Tips to make restaurant-style cold coffee at home:

1. Coffee: Be it a cappuccino or a frappe, the quality of the coffee can make or break your drink completely. Espresso prepared from real coffee beans lends one of the most authentic flavour. But if that is not available, a good quality strong instant coffee dissolved in hot water can give you an espresso-like taste.

2. Additional Ingredients: Cold coffee gives you a host of options to experiment. From a variety of syrups to cocoa, one can make a glass of cold coffee as rich as you want. Make sure to not go overboard with one particular flavour as the coffee could be suppressed.  

How To Make Cold Coffee At Home

This recipe of cold coffee uses a mixed solution of instant coffee powder with cocoa powder and sugar, which is then blended with milk and ice cubes. It serves the coffee topped with vanilla ice cream but that is optional.  

Fin the full recipe of restaurant-style cold coffee here. Try it at home and share your experience with us.