How To Make Perfect Pesto Every Time; Tips To Follow

Of course, who doesn't love the fresh burst of flavour that bites of perfectly made pesto bring about? Be it tossed with pasta, used as a bread spread, or as a dipper, there are but so many things on which pesto can be applied. If you grow basil in your house, then you already have quick access to one of the key ingredients and will find it even easier to whip up this classic Italian sauce. Simplicity notwithstanding, there are a few tricks for getting the perfect pesto every time in flavour and colour. Let's get into some helpful tips that'll make this sauce a pro and take your pesto game to the next level. 

Use Fresh, Quality Ingredients 

A good pesto is all about the freshness and quality of its ingredients. First of all, use fresh basil leaves because it is their fragrance and strong flavour that sets pesto apart. When at all possible, use basil from your own garden or buy a bunch fresh from your local market. The other must-have ingredient is high-quality extra virgin olive oil. It's one of the vital components holding pesto together, so pick an oil with a fruity, full-bodied flavour. Parmesan cheese must be freshly grated, and do not be the rich deep flavour will come from this. 

Toasting of Pine Nuts

Before adding them into your pesto, toast them gently, and out will come a deeper, nuttier flavour balancing perfectly with fresh basil. Be sure not to over-toast them, as burnt pine nuts can give an unwanted bitterness to your sauce. You can replace them with walnuts, almonds, or even sunflower seeds if you don't have any pine nuts on hand; the result will be different but just as delicious. 

Pulse Ingredients First, Then Add Olive Oil 

A mistake many people make with pesto is adding all the ingredients inside the blender or food processor all at once. For the best results, pulse basil, garlic, pine nuts, and Parmesan together first. This chops the basil well and gives you the best control over the final texture. Once pulsed, slowly add the olive oil while the processor is running. This helps the oil emulsify with the other ingredients, giving it a smoother, creamier sauce. Stop it a little earlier if you want to give it a more rustic texture. 

Keep Pesto Green and Fresh 

And nothing is worse than when pesto, not long after it is made, turns brown. Adding a squeeze of lemon juice while blending is also one of the keys to maintaining vibrant green pesto. The acidity in the lemon juice not only helps preserve the colour but adds a nice acidic undertone that offsets the richness in all the other ingredients. The other would be adding an ice cube when you blend, as it cools the mixture down, keeping basil from wilting and discolouring. 


If you make a batch of pesto and aren't using it all at once, fear not. Pesto will last a few days in an airtight container in the refrigerator, or you can freeze it, in small portions, for later use. One neat trick is to freeze pesto in ice cube trays for easy, single-serving portions. If you're ready to use it, let it thaw naturally, freshening it up by folding in some more basil, cheese, or olive oil. If your pesto has lost some of its punch, adding a few fresh basil leaves and a dash of lemon juice will revive its flavour and colour.