Healthy Body Tips: How To Maintain Balance Between Obese And Underweight?
Image Credit: Healthy Body Tips

Skipping meals, unhealthy diet, overeating or poor eating, sedentary lifestyle, poor sleep, stress, work-life imbalance, and several other factors are responsible for being obese or underweight. Here are some ways to strike a balance, based on which we can maintain and understand a nutritional health status.

What Is Obesity Or Being Overweight?

World Health Organization (WHO) suggests overweight/obesity is an abnormal or excessive fat accumulation in the body. It is one of the typical nutritional disorders caused primarily due to the excess intake of oily and sugary foods. Clinically, 20% more or above the ideal body weight would be considered obese, and 10-20% above the ideal body weight would be considered overweight. Generally, more calorie intake and fewer calories output leads to excess fat accumulation in the body and leads to overweight/obesity.

What Does Being Underweight Mean?

If the body’s weight is between 10-20% less than your ideal body weight, it will be considered underweight. If bodyweight is below 20% of your ideal body weight, that would be regarded as grossly underweight. Skinny people are predisposed to various serious ailments such as infections, fatigue, fertility issues, anaemia, irregular periods, risk during surgeries, working inefficiencies, osteoporosis, poor skin and physique, etc.

What Is Ideal Body Weight?

Ideal body weight is one of the essential keys to prevent obesity or to be underweight while maintaining a healthy body balance. This is essential for a good physique, and it improves overall health. Anyone can easily calculate his or her ideal body weight by knowing about your height and weight. The best and easiest way to know about your perfect body weight is to refer to standard height-weight tables based on life expectancy data. This provides you with a rough guide for estimating desirable weight. You can contact your nutritionist to know this in detail.

Below are 7 helpful tips for maintaining a healthy body balance between obese and underweight:

1. Balance of energy intake and energy output plays a crucial role in healthy weight management

2. Regular exercise

3. Don’t skip meals and eat meals timely

4. Eat meals from all the major food groups in a recommended amount, such as cereals and grains, pulses and legumes, milk and meat products, fruits and vegetables and sugar and fats (from oil and nuts)

5. Chew the meals properly

6. Maintain ideal body weight

7. Talk to your nutritionist

(The article has been medically reviewed by Himanshu Rai, Chief Dietitian and Nutritionist at Think You)