The Indian food system is a treasure trove of health benefits; yes, it’s true! Food is looked at as medicine for both prevention and cure, since time immemorial. Any traditional food that makes use of functional ingredients is also known as traditional functional food. Rasam is one such traditional functional food, commonly consumed as a soup or a side dish with rice in southern India.
Parul Malhotra Bahl, nutritionist, certified diabetes educator, and founder at Diet Expression, tells Health Shots, “Rasam is a light broth made from tamarind and tomato pulp seasoned with traditional Tamil spices like turmeric, chilli pepper, black pepper, garlic, cumin, curry leaves, mustard, coriander, asafoetida, sea salt, and water. In a few rasam preparations, lentils and vegetables are also added and are a much thicker preparation.”
All the ingredients used in rasam have scientifically claimed medicinal benefits, which makes it a super soup.

What are the benefits of rasam?
1. Prevents digestion issues
“Traditionally, rasam is known for its digestive properties, and can be a boon for various tummy problems. The high fibre content of tamarind makes it therapeutic for constipation problems. In addition, the use of black pepper in rasam helps in the secretion of acids that aid digestion. It also prevents formation of gas, and flatulence,” says Bahl.
2. Helps in weight loss
Tamarind in rasam contains hydroxy citric acid (HCA), which aids in weight loss. It inhibits fat-storing enzymes in the body. Moreover, flavonoids and polyphenols help boost the body’s metabolism. The spices in the soup have a detoxifyng effect that prevents water retention and flushes out toxins. The black pepper promotes removal of toxins by making the body sweat and produce more urine, which further revs up the body’s metabolism.
3. Helps with common flu and cold
The anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties of spices in rasam make it a perfect antidote to common flu and cold.

“Black pepper in rasam has expectorant properties that help reduce symptoms associated with cough and cold. Also, black pepper is enriched with vitamin C, which naturally boosts immunity and works as an excellent antibiotic. Moreover, rasam is loaded with micronutrients like vitamins and minerals, which makes it a perfect recovery drink post sickness,” says Bahl.