Here's How Cornstarch Can Help Your Vegan Ice Cream Recipe

Cornstarch is often considered a secret ingredient for achieving the perfect texture in vegan ice cream. As plant-based alternatives continue to grow in popularity, creating a creamy and smooth vegan ice cream that rivals its dairy counterpart can be a challenge. Traditional ice cream relies on dairy fat and proteins to deliver a rich, smooth texture, but plant-based versions typically lack these components. 

This is where cornstarch comes into play. Known for its thickening properties, cornstarch offers several benefits in vegan ice cream making, and its impact is seen in the overall texture, stability, and mouthfeel of the final product.

Cornstarch is a common thickening agent used in cooking and baking, particularly in soups, sauces, and custards. In vegan ice cream, cornstarch plays a crucial role by compensating for the absence of animal fats and proteins. When mixed with liquid and heated, cornstarch molecules expand, absorbing water and forming a gel-like substance. This process thickens the liquid base of the ice cream, preventing ice crystals from forming, which is often the main culprit behind icy or grainy textures.

Incorporating cornstarch into vegan ice cream provides a smooth, creamy texture similar to traditional ice cream made with dairy. Without this thickening agent, vegan ice cream bases, typically made from coconut milk, almond milk, or cashew cream, can become too runny or watery, resulting in a less-than-ideal consistency. Cornstarch helps bind the ingredients together, giving the ice cream more body and richness.

One of the main challenges of vegan ice cream is achieving the velvety mouthfeel that consumers expect from a frozen dessert. Dairy ice cream benefits from a balanced combination of fat and protein, which gives it a creamy texture. Plant-based alternatives, lacking these components, tend to freeze harder and can develop an icy texture if not carefully prepared. Cornstarch combats this issue by thickening the ice cream base and providing a smoother mouthfeel.

When cornstarch is added to the ice cream mixture and gently heated, it forms a gel that enhances the creaminess of the final product. This prevents the ice cream from becoming too hard and icy when frozen. Cornstarch also reduces the need for high-fat plant-based ingredients like coconut milk, making it a valuable addition for those seeking lower-fat vegan options.

Moreover, the thickening power of cornstarch allows the vegan ice cream to hold its structure longer once it starts to melt. Without cornstarch, vegan ice cream can melt quickly and become a soupy mess. Cornstarch's ability to stabilise the ice cream helps maintain its form, keeping it creamy for longer after serving.

Cornstarch's compatibility with various plant-based milk alternatives makes it a versatile ingredient in vegan ice cream recipes. Whether you are using coconut milk, almond milk, oat milk, or cashew cream, cornstarch works equally well to thicken the mixture and improve texture. For example, coconut milk, with its high-fat content, can produce a rich and creamy ice cream, but it may still benefit from the addition of cornstarch to improve stability. On the other hand, lighter options like almond or oat milk often require a thickening agent like cornstarch to achieve a satisfying texture.

Incorporating cornstarch into different types of vegan milk bases can enhance the texture without significantly altering the flavour. Since cornstarch is flavourless, it does not interfere with the natural taste of the ice cream or any added flavours, allowing for endless creativity with mix-ins like fruits, chocolate, or nuts.

Preventing Ice Crystal Formation

One of the most significant benefits of cornstarch in vegan ice cream is its role in preventing the formation of large ice crystals. Ice crystals are the main cause of unpleasant, grainy textures in frozen desserts, and they form when water in the ice cream mixture separates and freezes. In traditional ice cream, fat and protein act as barriers to water molecules, minimizing ice crystal formation. However, plant-based ice creams often lack these natural emulsifiers.

Cornstarch helps by binding the water molecules in the ice cream mixture, which reduces the likelihood of large ice crystals forming during freezing. By stabilising the water content, cornstarch keeps the ice cream smooth and creamy, even after spending time in the freezer. This is especially important for homemade vegan ice cream, which may not have access to the same commercial equipment used in large-scale production to prevent ice crystals.