Comfort food, a phrase today that almost instantaneously conjures up a dish or two in our mind’s eye, can be found in how one might define it: "a quick or easy way to make and eat highly appetizing food."
It is a genre of cuisine that isn't very constrained in what it can include. foods that are relatively simply composed, highly calorific, and appealing to the most demanding taste buds. It will leave anyone feeling warm and fuzzy—even ecstatic—and wanting more. How can one not like this "comfort food"? Its very existence is to fulfil the food fantasy. And so, we partake of this goodness as a positive and fulfilling experience. Thus, we arrive at the first of its endearing qualities, a virtuous one of health and wellness.
The real 'fast food'
Its very design also suits the modern human. It is meant to be easy to consume: an on-the-go accompaniment, finger food, items on the bakery and food truck menus, the quickest products from the oven, wok, or frying pan. Also delectable: peanut butter and jam sandwiches, haphazardly made cold meat sandwiches, ice cream with everything, or just chocolate cookies!
The reality of excesses
"The world has gotten smaller." We are more connected today than ever: cities are fast-paced, always awake, teeming with information and news, and bustling with energy and ambition. It is a sea of humanity rushing through an equally voluminous daily life, leaving little time for the more soulful experiences and quality interactions life can offer. Exchanging greetings and pleasantries is a rarity, and conversations don't frequently cross into small talk.
The WHO, on the basis of its census, brings awareness to the various health concerns plaguing humanity. It was "Halt the Rise: Beat Diabetes" in 2017, "Depression: Let's Talk" in 2018, and "Our Planet, Our Health" as of 2022. Maybe the next health slogan will be all in and read "Dealing with Everyday Life."
In this dog-eat-dog world, most everyone is affected and has fallen prey to the many stresses and strains. It has taken a toll on humanity like never before. Who knows, maybe the next health slogan could be along the lines of "coping with stress."
Most of us today have learned to deal with stress without even realizing it. One of the most common ways we do this is by eating comfort foods.
One: Easiness
Ideally, rest and relaxation are the natural equalizers. Engaging in enjoyable and pleasurable activities relieves stress. Whether it be a vacation, an exercise regime, a snooze, a shopping spree, a videogame, or a binge meal... The feel-good factor accompanying the resulting endorphin and serotonin releases is the best way to deal with stress. However, overindulgence as a way of life has become a reality for us all, allowing us to achieve a sense of reward without making a direct effort. The effect is akin to that of a narcotic drug. Enter the bad "comfort food." The ease of making and transporting it anywhere, as well as the ease of using and reusing it whenever you want, elevates it from convenience to contrivance!
Two: Endearment
See, comfort food has a strong influence on satiation, predominantly causing salt and sugar cravings. These foods can make you feel nostalgic, happy, reassured, satiated, temporarily happy, less stressed, more empowered, or even energized. The high doses of nutrients flooding our system cause alterations in physiological states and body chemistry. This is actually not bad per se, but when used as a coping mechanism, it leads to overuse and undue dependency. Very importantly, the potency of this effect is easily underestimated and sorely overlooked.
Three: Attachment
The reality and prevalence of eating disorders have recently gained much-needed attention, and they are frequently triggered by an imbalance in hormone regulation mechanisms. Ill effects today include obesity, early-onset diabetes, high cholesterol, and the initiation or even aggravation of existing mental health parameters. Being aware can help us watch out for ourselves and our loved ones and take charge of our collective health.
Stressors that could bring on a "food craving attack" may be sourced from our personal or professional lives, from school, college, or even home—the list seems endless. Some of the most common stressors that could have us reaching for the cookie jar include
1. Meeting deadlines and schedules, going to meetings and working with others, starting a business, launching a product, making the next app, and submitting work are all things that need to be done.
2. Feeling isolated and cut off, mentally or socially.
3. Strict workouts, impractical diet regimes, and unreal expectations of body image
4. Dealing with sudden tragedy, loss, or disease
5. Financial obligations: job loss, job search, or dissatisfaction with the current situation
6. Working for long hours, with high screen time, or under stressful circumstances
7. Dealing with change—sudden travel or relocation
8. Having to perform for or impress a gathering at home, school,
9. Facing competitive examinations or events (sports, cultural, academic, or professional)
10. Blame it on the weather.
A New Horizon
It is now possible to "have your cake and eat it” by consuming foods that are beneficial to both the mind and the body. Some of the best comfort foods are mildly seasoned popcorn, baked French fries, natural ice cream or another dessert, grilled chicken, traditional Indian pakoras and a hot chai, spiced aromatic biryani, a crunchy baked burrito, pizza, or a bowl of salted peanuts.
A balanced ratio of the various macro- and micronutrients, fresh or natural ingredients, and moderate, spaced-out consumption are some keystone features of healthy eating. Comfort food is different for different people, but with the right food science and positive food art, we can make enough delectable but healthy preparations that we can feel genuinely good about eating.