Consider consuming hot water during the summer. You might find this terrifying, but it's real. We don't mean piping hot water, but lukewarm water can be the best health boost your body needs to fend off the elements and keep you in shape. Drinking warm water all year round can be beneficial to your health in several ways. After all, fluids make up 75% of our body weight, and our body requires the ideal electrolyte balance to function properly. The benefits of drinking warm water for your body are listed below, along with a few tips on how to make your ordinary water even more nutrient-dense.
Why is it important in the Covid-19 crisis?
The global concern over the coronavirus pandemic has been growing daily, and there is no reliable vaccine to prevent such virus attacks. However, it is important to develop a robust metabolism and immunity as the planet is ready to emerge after a protracted lockdown.
Early in the morning, drinking warm water aids in the body's electrolyte balance and detoxification of pollutants. In addition, drinking lukewarm water throughout the day will assist to relieve chest and nasal congestion if you are prone to seasonal flu, colds, and coughs.
Strong Decongestant
A long history of chest congestion might have an impact on your respiratory system. Mucus builds up and causes inflammation in the lung's air passages, causing congestion. Therefore, drinking lukewarm water throughout the day is the greatest approach to naturally thin the mucus and drain it out of the body. In addition, lukewarm water is beneficial for treating nasal and sore throat problems. Here's how to turn your everyday lukewarm water into an effective treatment for congestion.
1. Get 1 litre of warm water.
2. Squeeze 1 lemon
3. Honey, two teaspoons
4. Mix it thoroughly, then savour it all day.
5. Both honey and lemon are rich in vitamins C, D, E, K, and B complex as well as beta-carotene, all of which aid in boosting immunity and treating colds, flu, and coughs.
The toxins in the digestive system can be removed from the body by drinking warm water first thing in the morning. The endocrine system benefits from the proper operation of warm water as well. This occurs because drinking lukewarm water elevates body temperature, which in turn speeds up metabolism and aids in the removal of toxins from the body.
1. 1 litre of water.
2. one-half teaspoon of lime juice
3. 3–4 leaves of basil
4. 4 to 6 ginger julienne
This mixture will aid in improving digestion, increasing metabolic rate, and eliminating toxins from the body. But ginger has a warm flavour. So be sure you only add a tiny bit of it.
Weight Loss
Water ought to be your best friend if you love working out. Warm water in the morning aids in the removal of pollutants. Warm water, on the other hand, raises body temperature, which speeds up metabolism. It aids in better digestion and nutritional absorption by breaking down food molecules in your intestine. This aids in effective weight management. You can try this straightforward herbal mixture to hasten the weight loss process.
1. 1 litre of water
2. 1/4 cup cumin seeds
3. Coriander seeds, 1 teaspoon
4. Fenugreek seeds, 1 teaspoon
This mixture, when properly boiled and sipped throughout the day, will not only aid in weight loss but also remove toxins from the body. Additionally, it aids in shedding the water weight brought on by water retention.