Hacks To Remove Meat Smell From Your Kitchen During Monsoon
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Cooking is a lovely hobby! But, the aftermath of cooking, however, can occasionally be bothersome due to nasty odours from various substances that are challenging to get rid of from utensils during monsoon. 

Spices can also leave an unpleasant aftertaste on cooking utensils, in addition to meats and eggs. The majority of foods in Indian kitchens are prepared with a variety of spices, which can leave an aftertaste on kitchenware. 

These helpful tricks will assist you in getting rid of cooking odours from them. Continue reading to find out more!

Hacks To Keep In Mind During Monsoon For Removing Smell


You can fill the  bad smelling cooking utensil with one or two tablespoons of coffee and then fill it with water. After two to three minutes, let the coffee brew, then switch off the burner. Let the coffee steep for 15 to 20 minutes, rinse the utensil with dishwashing soap.


Odours of any kind are reported to be eliminated by potatoes. Cut potatoes into thick slices, and then season them on both sides with a little salt. Simply soak these potato slices in your foul-smelling item for ten to fifteen minutes, and then rinse.


One amazing spice that you can use to prevent unpleasant odours coming from your kitchenware is cinnamon. You can just boil the cinnamon stick or powder in three to four cups of water for approximately five minutes. Allow it to cool for sometime to eliminate any smell from your utensil.

White Vinegar

You can call vinegar the kitchen's hero because of all the things you can do with it. It's not just a flavouring agent; it's also a great cleanser that may take the edge off of strong odours in your kitchen. All you have to do is pour a cup of white vinegar into the foul-smelling utensil and cook it for ten to fifteen minutes. The strongest odours can be eliminated using this trick.

Lemon And Salt

This is the easiest trick you can take to stop your utensils from smelling bad. Simply cut two to three lemons in half, then grab some salt. Rub the half lemon slice thoroughly on the contaminated utensil after dipping it into the salt basin. After 15 to 20 minutes, wash it off with dish soap or detergent.

Orange Peels

Orange peels contain citric acid, which is fantastic in a number of ways. It's an effective cleaning solution that may also assist in getting rid of the overpowering cooking odour. All you need to do is use the same utensil to cook some fresh lemon peels for 20 to 30 minutes before washing it off.

Baking Soda

Another kitchen ingredient that you may not be aware of is baking soda, which has a variety of functions! Mix two tablespoons of baking soda with four to five tablespoons of vinegar to get rid of strong meat odours after cooking. Slices of lemon, cut thinly, should be dropped into this mixture. Now, wipe your utensil clean with this combination.