Growing Sweetcorn In Kitchen Garden: Tips For Urban Gardeners
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In Indian cuisine, sweetcorn plays a significant role in various dishes, including salads, snacks, and curries. Grilling, steaming, boiling, or eating raw enhances flavours and nutrition. If you're a home gardener, growing your own sweetcorn is the way to go because it guarantees the freshest produce. Any kitchen garden would benefit from growing sweetcorn because of its adaptability in Indian cooking.

Video Credit: YouTube | Epic Gardening

Urban and suburban gardeners can easily grow sweetcorn, even in small spaces. With the rise of container gardening, people in limited areas can still grow this delicious crop. Sweetcorn is a warm-season plant that thrives in the right conditions. Even those new to gardening can grow it at home with proper care. 

When To Plant Sweetcorn

The best time to plant sweetcorn depends on your region's climate. Sweetcorn is a warm-season crop and needs warm soil to grow well. The ideal time to plant is after the frost has passed, in late spring or early summer. In colder regions, waiting until the soil has warmed to at least 16°C for optimal germination is best.

Spacing for Sweetcorn Plants

Spacing is crucial when growing sweetcorn in a kitchen garden. Plant the seeds about 1 inch deep in soil enriched with organic matter. Ensure a plant-to-plant distance of 12 to 18 inches and a line-to-line distance of 18 to 24 inches. For smaller spaces, such as containers, reduce the spacing slightly, but be careful not to overcrowd the plants. Sweetcorn requires proper air circulation and space to grow tall and produce healthy ears.

Sweetcorn is wind-pollinated, so plant it in blocks of four or more rows to promote better pollination. This helps the ears of corn develop fully and increases the chances of a successful harvest. Depending on the variety, sweetcorn typically takes 70 to 75 days to mature.

Caring For Sweetcorn Plants


Sweetcorn plants need consistent watering. Water deeply at least once a week, especially during dry spells. Make sure to avoid wetting the leaves, as this can lead to diseases. Proper watering helps the plants stay healthy and ensures good ear development.

Sunlight And Temperature

Sweetcorn grows best in full sunlight. Ensure the plants receive at least 6-8 hours of sunlight daily. The ideal temperature for sweetcorn growth ranges from 15°C to 29°C. Warmer soil temperatures help with quicker germination and overall plant health.


Sweetcorn is a heavy feeder. To support its growth, use a nitrogen-rich fertiliser regularly. Fertilise the plants when they are about 6 inches tall and repeat the process every few weeks. This promotes healthy foliage and better yields.

Weed Control

Keeping the area around your sweetcorn free from weeds is essential. Weeds compete for nutrients and water, which can affect the growth of the corn. Regularly remove any weeds by hand or use a natural weed killer to maintain a clean growing area.

Pests And Diseases

Common pests that affect sweetcorn include corn earworms and aphids. Check for pests regularly and treat them as soon as they are detected. Diseases like rust and leaf blight can also occur, so monitor the plants closely. Neem oil can be an effective natural treatment for pest control.

Harvesting Sweetcorn

Checking For Ripeness

Harvest sweetcorn when the silks on the ears turn brown and dry. The kernels should feel plump and release a milky liquid when pressed. This typically occurs about 18 to 24 days after the silks first appear.

Harvesting The Ears

To harvest, grasp the ear of corn and pull it downward until it detaches from the stalk. If it doesn’t come off easily, it may not be fully ripe yet. In such cases, use pruning shears to carefully cut the ear off.

Storing Sweetcorn

Sweetcorn tastes best when eaten fresh, but it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to five days. Keep the ears in their husks to preserve their freshness. After harvesting, the remaining stalks can be composted or used as mulch in the garden.

Growing sweetcorn in your kitchen garden is a rewarding experience that adds fresh, delicious corn to your meals. With the right care, timing, and attention to detail, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest. Follow the steps to grow healthy sweetcorn plants in a garden or a container. Enjoy the benefits of home-grown sweetcorn and the satisfaction of cultivating your own food.