Groundnut Oil: Here Are 7 Benefits Of Its Consumption
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Health benefits of groundnut oil: Peanut oil, also known as groundnut oil, is abundant in health properties. Peanut oil contains nutrients like minerals, antioxidants and vitamins, beneficial for health. In addition, oleic acid, stearic acid and linoleic acid are also present in this oil. Peanut oil keeps the heart healthy, fights cancer, lowers cholesterol levels, and improves digestion. 


The groundnut and its oil are very beneficial for our health. One hundred grams of groundnut contains 567 calories, 49 grams of fat, 7 grams of saturated, 40 grams unsaturated, zero cholesterol, sodium 18 mg, potassium 18 mg, carbohydrate, folate, vitamins, protein, fibre etc. 

  • Stomach problems: Peanut oil can help relieve stomach problems greatly. One can get relief from diseases like constipation, digestive function, diarrhoea etc. So if you are suffering from a stomach problem, include peanut oil in your diet. 
  • Metabolism: Do you know that the consumption of peanuts provides manganese to the body, which controls fat and maintains metabolism? Its regular consumption also balances the amount of sugar in the blood.
  • Peanut oil for hair: Peanut oil provides adequate nutrition to the hair. Also, it works as a natural antiseptic for removing dandruff. If you have dandruff, apply peanut oil to your hair for two to three hours. 
  • Peanut oil for skin: Do you know that peanut oil is used to beautify the skin? Groundnut oil helps the skin glow and is rich in vitamin E. In addition, massaging knees with peanut oil helps relieve joint pain. 
  • Heart-healthy peanut oil: Consumption of peanut oil does not cause coronary artery disease. Peanut oil is rich in (MUFA) monounsaturated fatty acids, which reduce bad cholesterol in the body. 
  • Beneficial for the brain: Peanut oil is helpful for the brain because it contains vitamin B-3, which improves memory. Do you know that groundnut oil is also rich in calcium and vitamin D? 
  • Diabetes: In the case of diabetes, consuming peanut oil maintains insulin levels in the body. Likewise, consumption of groundnut oil keeps blood sugar levels under control.