Ginger Trail: Finding The Spice In Food And Drinks
Image Credit: Pixabay

A rhizome used to flavour food and drinks, ginger is native to Asia. It belongs to the same family as turmeric. Ginger forms an important part of Indian and East Asian cuisine, and is sought after for its strong aroma, taste and medicinal properties. 

The spice adds a kick to different types of food and drinks, and can also be eaten on its own when pickled or candied. Incorporating ginger in your diet is easy, since it’s found in a lot of treats.

Ginger churan or ‘adrak pachak’

Ginger tea 

Ginger cookies

Ginger ale

Ginger pickle

A sweet fizzy drink made with ginger, ginger ale is very refreshing in the summer. The fizziness is a result of fermentation or can even be induced artificially. Ginger ale sometimes also has other flavouring like citrus, berries and even chilli. The drink’s caramel colour adds to its appeal.

Ginger pickle

In Japan, pickled ginger is eaten as a palate cleanser between multiple courses of food. It is served with sushi at all Japanese restaurants. Within India, ginger is pickled differently: the ginger is cut into strips and preserved in a solution of salt and lemon juice.