Ghonghi: Know About This Tribal Snail Curry From Madhya Pradesh
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Madhya Pradesh is a treasure trove of tribal culinary traditions. Ghonghi or snail curry is a delicious reflection of the natural resources and the rich cultural heritage of the tribal communities. For generations, tribal communities have relied on snails found in the forests and along the rivers as a source of food.

Rashmi Mehta, SHO Tribal Department, Satpura, MP, says, “Ghonghi is prepared with love and care, reflecting the tribes’ deep connection with the land. The preparation is an art form where fresh herbs, local spices and sometimes seasonal greens are combined to make a curry. The result is a dish that is fragrant, filling and soulful, served with hot rice or roti.” 

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Each bite of Ghonghi takes you on a journey through the forests of Madhya Pradesh where food, culture and community come together in a beautiful weave of tradition and taste. Eating Ghonghi is not just about the taste, it is about living a piece of history and celebrating the tribal food legacy.

History Of Ghonghi

Ghonghi or snail curry has a long history in the tribal cuisine of Madhya Pradesh, especially among the Bhil and Gond tribes. Bhils are one of the largest tribal groups in India and have a tradition of foraging and hunting which includes a collection of snails from rivers and ponds. For them, Ghonghi is a source of nutrition and a cultural symbol that is prepared during festivals and community gatherings.

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Gonds who are known for their art and connection to nature value Ghonghi as a delicacy. Their cuisine is a reflection of their harmony with the forest where snails are abundant and easily available. Both tribes have their own unique cooking methods and spices and it’s passed down through generations.

Nutritional Benefits of Ghonghi (Snail Curry)

High In Protein

Ghonghi is high in protein, according to research done by, Heliyon. 2023, snails have 15 grams of protein per 100 grams. This is a great source of this macronutrient which is important for muscle growth, tissue repair and production of enzymes and hormones. For communities that forage for food, snails are a sustainable way to meet their protein needs and overall health and well-being.

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Low In Fat

Snails are low in fat compared to other animal protein sources, as per a study published in, Molecules. 2023, snails only have 2 grams of fat per 100 grams. This is good for health-conscious people and those who want to maintain a balanced diet. The low-fat content reduces the risk of obesity and heart disease, so you can enjoy the flavour of Ghonghi without the extra calories. This is in line with the diet that prioritises whole and nutritious food.

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Vitamins And Minerals

Snails are a storehouse of essential vitamins and minerals, vitamin B12, iron, magnesium and selenium. According to a study published in, Heliyon. 2021, snails have Vitamin B12 which is good for nerve health and the production of red blood cells, and iron is for oxygen transport and energy metabolism. Magnesium for muscle and nerve function, selenium is an antioxidant that protects cells from damage. These nutrients are important for energy production, immune function and overall well-being, so Ghonghi is a nutritious addition to any meal.

Source Of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

As per a study, Foods. 2019, some varieties of snails are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA which are good for heart health and brain function. Omega-3 is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and is linked to reduced risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes. Including Ghonghi in your diet gives you these beneficial fatty acids, and promotes cardiovascular health and brain function.

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Traditional Medicinal Uses

In many cultures, snails are believed to have medicinal properties. Traditionally, Ghonghi is used to aid digestion and promote skin health and overall vitality. The preparation of snail curry often includes a mix of spices and herbs like turmeric and coriander which are anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. These ingredients not only add flavour but also to the nutritional profile of the dish, making it a wholesome food.

Sustainable Food

For many tribes in Madhya Pradesh, Ghonghi is a sustainable food. Snails are foraged from local areas, preserving biodiversity and minimising the environmental impact of industrial farming. This way they connect deeper to the land, practice sustainable eating and use the natural resources wisely for the future.

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How The Tribes Prepare Ghonghi

Bhil Tribe

Foraging For Snails

Bhils traditionally forage for snails in forests, fields and riverbanks, especially during monsoon when snails are plenty. This practice helps them to be connected to their environment and sustainable harvesting.

Preparation Method

Once collected, snails are cleaned thoroughly to remove impurities. Bhils boil them first to make sure they are cooked and safe to eat. Then they prepare the curry by sautéing onions, garlic and spices, like turmeric, red chilli powder and coriander are common spices along with seasonal vegetables. Snails are simmered in the spice mixture till tender and the flavours are well combined. It is often served with rice or flatbreads and makes for a filling meal.

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Gond Tribe

Cultural Significance

For Gonds, Ghonghi has cultural importance and is prepared during festivals or community gatherings. It means hospitality and the sharing of traditional knowledge.

Gathering And Preparation

Like Bhils, Gonds too forage for snails using traditional methods passed down through generations. After cleaning, snails are sometimes marinated with spices before cooking.

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Unique Flavours

Gond cuisine adds local herbs and wild greens to the Ghonghi curry to give it unique flavours. They may also add tamarind or kokum to give the curry a tangy taste.

Serving Traditions

Ghonghi is served with rice or millet-based dishes as these are staple foods of Gond diet. Sharing this dish during meals helps to bond the community and celebrate their culture.

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Ghonghi (snail curry) is a culinary gem in Madhya Pradesh, a taste of tribal heritage and nutrition. Packed with protein, essential amino acids and vital minerals this dish is proof of the wisdom of the Bhil and Gond tribes using local resources. As you eat this dish you will not only enjoy the flavours but also the traditions that have been passed down through generations.