From Watermelon To Pumpkin Add These Aphrodisiacs To Your Meal

Would it surprise you to learn that vajikarana, one of the eight main Ayurvedic branches, focuses on aphrodisiacs, virility, and sexual wellness? Because it takes a holistic approach to life, Ayurveda also addresses other elements of reproduction in addition to sexual dysfunction. 

One of the undiscovered but priceless components of the Ayurvedic gems of healing are aphrodisiacs. Here, we'll examine Ayurvedic aphrodisiacs as well as the best foods and herbs for enhancing libido and sexual function. More specifically, we'll look at delectable aphrodisiac foods that have been traditionally utilised in Ayurveda, as well as foods and herbs that have been scientifically proven to boost libido in both men and women. 

What are Aphrodisiacs? 

The word aphrodisiac comes from the Greek goddess of love, fertility, and beauty known by the name Aphrodite. An aphrodisiac is a substance, such as a food or herb, that intensifies enjoyment and performance while also stimulating sexual and venereal desire. 

Traditionally, in the West, when you say aphrodisiac, people think of strawberries, chocolate, and champagne. India has a long history of sensuous cuisine, and it turns out that many of the ancient world's well-known aphrodisiacs originated there. You might be surprised (and delighted) to learn that many of the popular ancient Indian aphrodisiacs can be found in your kitchen. 

According to Ayurveda, eating a particular diet regularly for an extended length of time causes a steady decline in sperm count. In Males, when consumed in tiny doses, tobacco, areca nut (betel nut), bitter gourd, and alcohol all have stimulant properties. They have a tendency to lower sperm count and libido if taken in excess. These compounds are poisonous, deep penetrating, dry, light, hard, induce sleep (sedative), and have narcotic effects. 

Stress, inflammation (and being overweight), undereating, dieting, excessive exercise, a very low-fat diet (less than 30 g of fat per day hinders hormone production), a low-carb diet (less than 50 g per day hinders thyroid function), hypothyroidism, PCOS, menopause, excessive birth control pill use, and if progesterone levels are elevated in relation to oestrogen are the most frequent causes of libido loss in women. 

According to studies, specific foods or nutrients can help increase libido and encourage a fulfilling sexual life 

Fruits: One of the best sources of vitamins, minerals, and energy-producing substances is fruit. Apples, apricots, bananas, cherries, coconut, oranges, guava, dates, figs, grapes, mangoes, papayas, peaches, pears, plums, pomegranates, quince, avocados, watermelon, blues, black raspberries, raspberries, and strawberries are a few examples of fresh sensual fruits. All around the world, erotic writing honours them. They support healthy sex lives, boost genital blood flow, and maintain sexual energy. 

Vegetables: Iron and folate are abundant in vegetables. Dark leafy greens like kale and spinach, broccoli, asparagus, and celery are excellent sources. In addition to increasing aphrodisiac effects, pumpkin, carrots, arugula, juicy tomatoes, musli, onion, and rhubarb have rejuvenating, antioxidant, and anti-aging properties. Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin A and potassium. Potassium aids in lowering excessive blood pressure, a significant contributor to erectile dysfunction. They are also high in beta-carotene, which gives the body vitamin A and can be beneficial for people who are having trouble getting pregnant. 

Herbs And Spices: Aniseed, arugula seed, nutmeg, cardamom, garlic, cinnamon, clove, coriander, fennel, mustard, basil, ginger, black pepper, red pepper, and saffron. These include a huge amount of antioxidants, which are wonderful for overall health and libido. Nutmeg and clove extracts were found to improve sexual behaviour, according to research published in the BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine journal. Allicin, which is abundant in garlic and promotes blood flow, is also present. Saffron has been discovered to enhance sexual performance by researchers at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada. 

Aphrodisiacs, according to Ayurveda, are things that are nourishing, heavy, sweet, unctuous, and can elicit arousal. Eat meat-based soups and milk products frequently. Fish are naturally aphrodisiac foods. The cuisine that is most aphrodisiac is rohu fish (carp), fried in ghee. Regular users do not experience sexual debility or a reduced sperm count. The ancient, traditional Ayurvedic writings will inform you that the eggs of the swan, peacock, hen, red-legged partridge and sparrow encourage vigour. Male bustard, cock, partridge, and pork meat are all natural aphrodisiacs and delicious foods. 

One of the finest aphrodisiacs, split black gram, is one of the more easily accessible foods, along with wheat, baby corn, mango, plum, pomegranates, dates, and grapes. Additionally, according to Ayurveda, one should stay away from foods with an overabundance of salty, sour, and pungent flavours. Avoid eating too many alkaline meals.