From Bean To Bar: Exploring The White Chocolate

White chocolate is a type of chocolate that is characterised by its creamy, ivory-coloured appearance and sweet, vanilla-like flavour. Unlike dark or milk chocolate, which contain cocoa solids, white chocolate is primarily made from cocoa butter, sugar, and milk solids. The history and origin of white chocolate remain relatively obscure compared to its more renowned counterparts, dark and milk chocolate. Due to its relatively recent development and simpler ingredients, white chocolate's historical narrative is less prominent in comparison to the deeper-rooted traditions associated with dark and milk chocolate. 

History and Origin 

White chocolate, which lacks cocoa solids and is essentially a variant of milk chocolate, has its origins linked to the late 19th century, when it was developed by Daniel Peter. This innovation quickly gained immense popularity. In 1936, Nestlé, a prominent Swiss chocolate company that owned the Peter-Cailler-Kohler factory, introduced Milkybar (also known as Galak) as the first white chocolate bar in Europe. The production of white chocolate was a practical way to utilise excess milk powder and cocoa butter at the time.  

During the 1930s, Nestlé collaborated with the pharmaceutical company Roche to develop a children's vitamin supplement named Nestrovit. This product required a special coating to preserve the vitamins. Drawing from past experiences with milk chocolate, Nestlé came up with an idea that eliminated cocoa solids entirely and focused on using cocoa butter along with milk and sugar.

It didn't take long for Nestlé to realise that this combination of creamy cocoa fat, milk, and sweet sugar was universally enjoyable. While children initially benefited from this innovative approach, it wasn't long before a new chocolate product, one without added vitamins, emerged. In 1936, Nestlé introduced Milkybar (also known as Galak in some regions) to European markets, and the rest is history. 

While it may not be definitively established as the absolute first, Nestlé played a significant role in popularising white chocolate when it introduced the white chocolate tablet Milkybar (also known as Galak) in Europe in 1936. This product helped bring white chocolate into the mainstream market and contributed to its recognition as a distinct type of chocolate. It's worth noting that there might have been earlier forms or experiments with white chocolate before Nestlé's introduction, but they were not as widely recognised or distributed. 

Components Of White Chocolate  

Cocoa Butter: Cocoa butter is the main fat source in white chocolate. It gives the chocolate its smooth texture and creamy mouthfeel. Cocoa butter is derived from cocoa beans and has a mild chocolate flavour. 

Milk Solids: White chocolate contains milk solids, which typically include milk powder and sometimes condensed milk. These milk solids contribute to the creamy taste of white chocolate and provide the characteristic dairy flavour. 

Sugar: Like other types of chocolate, white chocolate is sweetened with sugar to make it palatable. Sugar adds sweetness and balances the flavours in white chocolate. 

Emulsifiers: Emulsifiers such as soy lecithin are often added to white chocolate to improve its texture and prevent the separation of ingredients. They help maintain a smooth and consistent texture in the final product. 

Flavourings: White chocolate is sometimes flavoured with ingredients like vanilla to enhance its taste. Vanilla is a common flavouring agent used to add depth and aroma to white chocolate. 

The Process Of Making White Chocolate 

Sourcing and Roasting Cocoa Beans: The process begins with the sourcing of cocoa beans. While white chocolate does not contain cocoa solids, cocoa butter is still a critical component. Cocoa beans are roasted to develop their flavour and to separate cocoa solids from cocoa butter. However, for white chocolate, the cocoa solids are removed entirely. 

Extraction of Cocoa Butter: After roasting, the cocoa beans are cracked and winnowed to separate the outer shell from the nibs inside. The nibs are then ground into a paste called chocolate liquor, which contains both cocoa solids and cocoa butter. In the case of white chocolate, the cocoa solids are extracted, leaving behind the cocoa butter. 

Mixing with Milk Solids: To make white chocolate creamy and milky, milk solids are added. This typically includes milk powder and sometimes condensed milk. The ratio of milk solids to cocoa butter can vary depending on the desired taste and texture. 

Adding Sugar: Sugar is a key ingredient in white chocolate to sweeten the mixture. The amount of sugar used can also vary to achieve the desired level of sweetness. 

Conching and Refining: The mixture of cocoa butter, milk solids, and sugar is then refined and conched. Conching involves continuously mixing and aerating the chocolate to improve its texture and remove any unwanted flavours or aromas. This process can take several hours or even days. 

Tempering: Tempering is a crucial step in chocolate production to ensure the final product has a glossy appearance and a smooth texture. It involves controlled heating and cooling of the chocolate to stabilise the cocoa butter crystals. 

Flavourings: Flavourings such as vanilla are added to enhance the taste of the white chocolate. Vanilla is a common flavouring used in white chocolate production. 

Moulding and Cooling: The tempered white chocolate is poured into moulds to give it its final shape. It is then cooled, allowing it to solidify and take on its characteristic texture. 

Packaging: Once the white chocolate has cooled and solidified, it is removed from the moulds, packaged, and prepared for distribution. 

White chocolate blondies are a delightful dessert or snack that offers a twist on traditional brownies. Instead of using dark chocolate or cocoa powder, white chocolate is the star ingredient, lending a sweet and creamy flavour to the blondies. Here's a recipe to make white chocolate blondies:


  • 1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, melted
  • 2 cups white chocolate chips or chunks
  • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup of granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup light brown sugar, packed
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt


  • Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Grease and line a 9x13-inch baking pan with parchment paper, leaving some overhang on the sides for easy removal. 
  • In a microwave-safe bowl or using a double boiler, melt the butter and white chocolate together until smooth. Stir well to combine. Allow the mixture to cool slightly. 
  • In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour and salt. 
  • In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the granulated sugar, brown sugar, eggs, and vanilla extract until well combined. 
  • Gradually add the melted white chocolate and butter mixture to the sugar and egg mixture, stirring until smooth. 
  • Gently fold in the flour mixture until just combined. Be careful not to overmix.
  • Pour the blondie batter into the prepared baking pan, spreading it out evenly.
  • Bake in the preheated oven for about 25–30 minutes, or until the top is golden brown and a toothpick or cake tester inserted into the centre comes out with a few moist crumbs (but not wet batter). 
  • Allow the blondies to cool in the pan for a bit before using the parchment paper overhangs to lift them out and transfer them to a wire rack to cool completely.