Flab To Fit, Kill Love Handles With 7 Metabolism Boosting Foods
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When you start on a weight loss journey—whether it is to lose those extra kilos after festivities or to remove those love handles—one of the most important things to remember is that weight loss won’t happen in a day. Weight loss depends on a number of factors that you need to work on, and metabolism is one of the most important among them. If your metabolism isn’t alligned properly, then no amount of dieting can help you lose weight. 

For those who don’t know, metabolism is the process through which the body converts food into energy and nutrients. Forget weight loss, even preventing chronic diseases like diabetes depend on how your metabolism functions. So, to lose those extra kilos, your metabolism is one of the key aspects you need to work on. 

There are many reasons why your metabolism may have slowed down. Age and genetics are just a part of it. In today’s world, most people lead sedentary lifestyles while eating unhealthy foods and getting no exercise—all of which combine to not only cause weight gain, but also hinder any weight loss methods you may be using. To correct this, eating right and exercising matters, as well as adding certain nutritious foods to your diet to ensure your metabolism gets the boost it deserves. 

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Here are some key metabolism boosting foods you should be adding to your weight loss diet, as backed by science. 

Protein-Rich Foods 

Foods like fish and seafood are rich in proteins that can help boost your metabolism. A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2013 showed that high-protein diets increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation compared to lower protein diets. As per the study, a high-protein breakfast can also lead to increased satiety and energy expenditure throughout the day, compared to a high-carbohydrate breakfast.  

Spicy Foods 

Don’t shun your average Indian spicy curry while on a weight loss diet, because studies show that they can indeed boost metabolism. Research published in Physiology & Behavior in 2012 demonstrated that the thermogenic properties of capsaicin, the compound found in chili peppers, may increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation. Other studies also show that consumption of capsaicin increased energy expenditure and fat oxidation, potentially promoting weight management.  

Green Tea 

In recent years, green tea has become popular as one of the most effective weight loss ingredients, and one of the main reasons behind this is that green tea boosts metabolism really well. A systematic review published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2011 found that green tea catechins and caffeine can increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation, potentially contributing to weight management.  


Believe it or not, coffee drinking—in moderate amounts and in the right form, of course—can in fact help boost your metabolism. Research published in Obesity review in 2006 indicated that caffeine consumption can increase resting metabolic rate and fat oxidation, potentially contributing to weight management. In fact, so effective is coffee that bulletproof coffee is even included in the Ketogenic diet. 

Coconut Oil 

This may come as a surprise since Indians use plenty of coconut oil, traditionally, but this ingredient does have metabolism-boosting powers. A study published in The Journal of Nutrition in 2002 found that medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are abundant in coconut oil, can increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation when compared to long-chain triglycerides (LCTs). An older study published in Obesity Research reported that consuming MCTs can increase metabolic rate more than consuming LCTs, potentially aiding in weight management.  


Love eating cinnamon in cakes and lattes? Here’s more reason to have it for weight loss. Research published in The Journal of Medicinal Food in 2003 demonstrated that cinnamon may have a positive effect on blood glucose control by improving insulin sensitivity. Stable blood sugar levels can contribute to maintaining a healthy metabolism. Another study published in Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental in 2007 suggested that consuming cinnamon with meals can delay gastric emptying, potentially contributing to improved glycemic control and metabolic response.  


Because yoghurt or curd has probiotic powers, it is natural that the ingredient aids gut health. Metabolism is a part of optimal gut health, so naturally, eating yoghurt helps that too. Research published in The Journal of Nutrition in 2013 demonstrated that the high protein content of yoghurt, especially Greek yoghurt can increase satiety and reduce subsequent energy intake, potentially supporting weight control.