Everything You Need To Know About Slivovitz liquor
Image Credit: Slivovitz (Photo Credit: Pixabay)

We all know about brandy and rum, but have you ever heard of the Slivovitz liquor? Slivovitz liquor is a speciality beverage that is made from plums. Slivovitz is produced in Central and Eastern Europe, in countries like Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Italy, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine. It is often termed the plum brandy of Europe.  

A distillery in Oregon is working to speed up the process but quick imitation slivovitz can be made from prune juice and the essence of almond to give its toasty notes. The popularity of this liquor is usually limited to European regions and even then some people believe it tastes like “jet fuel”.  

It’s in fact said to be much better than mulled wine or cider. With snow pouring outside, the flavours of Slivovitz are much more intoxicating. In the summer, however, these tastes might not seem so pleasing. But lovers of Slivovitz add ice cream to it and eat the ice cream-Slivovitz mixture in the warmer months also.  

We do recommend pouring yourself a nice warm glass of Slivovitz as we move closer to winter. 

It’s in fact said to be much better than mulled wine or cider. With snow pouring outside, the flavours of Slivovitz are much more intoxicating. In the summer, however, these tastes might not seem so pleasing. But lovers of Slivovitz add ice cream to it and eat the ice cream-Slivovitz mixture in the warmer months also.  

We do recommend pouring yourself a nice warm glass of Slivovitz as we move closer to winter.