Do You Know How To Make Garlic Bread in An Oven Toaster Grill?
Image Credit: Garlic Bread | Image Credit: Freepik

What Exactly Is Garlic Bread?

The bread with garlic probably originated from Italy, where it is known as "pane all'aglio." Since ancient times, bread has been a common food for spreading the strong flavour of garlic in Italian cooking. The garlic bread was first mentioned in writing in the 1940s in the United States, where it rose to popularity as a side dish in restaurants run by Italian Americans.

A variety of bread varieties, such as baguette, ciabatta, and sourdough, can be used to make garlic bread, and it can also be flavoured with extra ingredients like cheese, herbs, or chilli flakes to make distinct variations. The flavour and texture of garlic bread are renowned for being crispy and chewy. 

How To Make Garlic Bread Using A Toaster Grill

Using a toaster grill, you can quickly and easily cook wonderful garlic bread. The use of garlic butter and Parmesan cheese gives the bread a rich and savoury taste (if used), and the toaster grill will help it have a crispy, toasted texture. This crispiness will make your garlic bread ideal for dipping into soups or serving with other dishes.

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  • 1 loaf of French bread or baguette
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/2 cup shredded Parmesan cheese (optional)

Recipe for Garlic Bread

  • Set the toaster grill to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Cut the baguette or French bread into uniform pieces that are about 1/2 inch thick.
  • Melted butter, minced garlic, chopped parsley, and salt & pepper to taste should all be thoroughly combined in a mixing dish. 
  • Each piece of bread should have the garlic butter mixture spread on one side. Shredded Parmesan cheese can be added to the bread if desired.
  • Put the buttered side of the bread pieces on the toaster grill. Toast the bread for two to three minutes, or until it is crisp and golden.
  • The garlic bread should be taken hot off the toaster grill.
  • Now dip your garlic bread in hot soup and enjoy the crisp and buttery goodness.

Tips For Making Garlic Bread 

These are some guidelines for toasting garlic bread in toaster grills like a pro:

  • Use fresh bread to get the best texture and flavour from your garlic bread. 
  • Soften the butter to spread more evenly across the bread and combine it with the garlic and herbs. Before using, let the butter sit at room temperature for a few hours or soften it briefly in the microwave.
  • Don't skimp on the garlic, as it is the key flavour component in garlic bread. So, use plenty of it. However, the amount of garlic can be changed to suit your personal preferences.
  • If you enjoy cheese, top the garlic butter with crumbled Parmesan, mozzarella, or cheddar cheese before toasting it in the toaster grill to add more flavour.
  • When toasting garlic bread on the toaster grill, check it frequently because it might burn easily. Once it is crispy and golden brown on the toaster grill, remove it.

We hope you have liked our approach to preparing garlic bread using an OTG. It’s simple, easy and, most importantly, it’s utterly delicious. So, if you love garlic bread, give it a try without a second thought. You won’t regret it!