Toned, Double Toned Or Full Cream Milk; Which One Is Best?
Image Credit: Which Milk Is Best?

We all know that milk consumption is good for our health. But no one suggests which milk is healthy for us to drink. If you are also confused about this question, then recent research can help you. According to the study conducted by Canada's McMaster University, people who consumed full-cream milk had a lower death rate. In addition, those who consumed full-fat dairy products thrice a day were less likely to experience heart stroke or disease. The study was conducted on 136,384 people from 21 countries. The people involved in the study were between 35 and 70 years old, which monitored the health effects of dairy products consumption.

Toned, double toned or full cream milk? 

Nowadays, milk cannot be procured from cowsheds as this village facility will not be found everywhere. That's why various types of pasteurized milk are sold in cities, such as toned milk, double toned milk and full-cream milk. 

  1. Full-cream milk is heavy and contains a lot of fat.
  2. The fat is removed from full cream milk by whipping and is known as toned milk; therefore, the fat is less than that of full cream. 
  3. Double toned milk has the least amount of fat.

Toned vs double toned milk

  1. Toned or double toned milk is believed to be beneficial. They are considered healthy for the heart and does not increase weight. A cup of double toned milk contains only 111 calories, so this milk is often consumed by those looking to lose weight. 
  2. But according to the latest research, full cream milk is healthier than double toned and toned milk. In addition, researchers have claimed that full cream milk is best for the heart.   

The lead author of the research, Dr Mahshid Dehghan, has said that people prefer low-fat items because they think that saturated fat raises cholesterol. However, he has noted that dairy products also contain many other components like amino acids, vitamin K, calcium, magnesium which can be good for health. 


If we look at the research results, it is healthier to drink milk daily rather than consuming cheese and other dairy products. In addition, consuming milk and curd daily reduces the risk of heart diseases. So, therefore, include milk in your meals today itself and reduce that one-time tea. But make sure to overdo it no. Always consult an expert before making dietary choices.