Cut Down Calories While Eating At A Party By Using These Tips
Image Credit: Party smart with these tips and tricks | Unsplash

Parties are a fantastic way to celebrate, socialise, and enjoy delicious food. You get to meet your friends, family, and loved ones and celebrate a fun evening with them. However, for those watching their calorie intake, navigating the endless spread of tempting treats can be challenging. The good news is that with a few smart strategies and mindful choices, you can still indulge in the festivities without overindulging in calories.

So, if you have a big party coming, which has gotten you excited to put your hair down and enjoy but worried at the same time about your otherwise healthy diet, we have some tips that you can use. These easy hacks will help you enjoy yourself completely while not compromising your health at all.

Pre-Party Preparation

Before heading to a party, consider these pre-party strategies to set yourself up for success:

Eat Light And A Balanced Meal: A balanced meal or a snack before the party will help curb your appetite and prevent you from arriving overly hungry and making food choices you might regret.

Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help control your appetite and prevent overeating.

Plan Your Party Meal Wisely: Decide in advance on the number of treats you'll allow yourself. And consider appetisers and snacks as meals by themselves. This might help you stick to your calorie goals.

Mindful Eating

At the party, practice mindful eating to help control your calorie intake:

Portion control: Use smaller plates and utensils to help control portion sizes. Start with a small sample of starter dishes you like without overindulging. You can try a couple of golgappe, a small bowl of soup, or half a serving of noodles.

Eat Slowly: Savour each bite. This gives your body time to register fullness, reducing the likelihood of overeating.

Keep Away From The Food Table: Position yourself away from the food to reduce mindless snacking. Go join others in games and stand by the pool or on the balcony, according to your party venue.

Engage In Conversation For Distraction: Participate in conversations and social activities to distract yourself from constantly reaching for food. Catch up with friends you haven’t been able to talk to for a long time or take part in the games. You can also hit the dance floor and enjoy yourself.

Choose Wisely From The Buffet

When faced with a buffet of tempting dishes, follow these useful tips:

Load Up On Veggies: Start your plate with a generous serving of fresh vegetables. They're low in calories and high in fibre, helping you feel fuller. The salad counter is usually the first one, so fill half your plate with that fresh vegetable goodness.

Opt For Lean Proteins: Choose lean protein sources like chicken, prawns, or lean cuts of meat for non-vegetarians, and soy dishes can be good for vegetarians. Protein helps control hunger and stabilise blood sugar levels.

Use Dips And Sauces Sparingly: They can quickly add calories without you noticing. Consider using fresh salsa or vegetable raita as lower-calorie alternatives.

Limit Fried And Breaded Items: Fried and breaded foods tend to be calorie-dense. Naan, slathered in butter, or deep-fried pooris can negatively affect your diet. If you must indulge, do so in moderation and have plain rice or roti. If the menu is continental, go for one slice of pizza or a small pasta serving instead of overindulging in these calorie-dense foods. Have the pasta salad or soup instead.

Beware Of Beverages

Beverages can be a hidden source of calories at parties. Here are some tricks to navigate a sea full of drinks better: 

Water: Opt for water as your primary beverage throughout the party. It's calorie-free and helps keep you hydrated. You can be fully prepared for all activities, impromptu dances, and conversations by staying hydrated. Fruit-infused waters are much better, as they provide a burst of energy along with hydrating.

Watch Alcohol Intake: If you consume alcohol, be aware of its calorie content. Consider alternating between alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks to reduce your overall calorie intake. Have a glass of wine and sip it for a long time. Avoid chugging down your drinks all at once.

Choose Light Or Diet Options: If you prefer soda or other sugary beverages, choose their lighter or diet counterparts to cut down on calories. Try diet soda with lots of ice and lemon for a satisfying drink that lasts a long time too. Enjoy each sip and drink slowly.

Improvise Dessert Strategies

It's challenging to resist dessert at parties, but you can manage your sweet tooth by:

Share Desserts: Split dessert portions with a friend or partner to enjoy the flavours without overindulging. Both of you can have the gulab jamun and the ice cream; just share one serving between yourselves.

Choose Fruit-Based Desserts: Opt for fruit salad, fruit skewers, or a small serving of fresh fruit to satisfy your sweet craving with fewer calories. They satisfy your sugar cravings while being healthy.

Enjoy Yourself

Above all, practice moderation and forgive yourself if you indulge a little.

Focus On Enjoying The Moment: Remember that parties are about celebrating and spending time with loved ones. Focus on the people and experiences rather than solely on the food, and you will take tons of memories from the event, not calories.

Don't Deprive Yourself Entirely: It's okay to enjoy treats in moderation at a party. Depriving yourself can lead to overindulgence later. After all, you live a healthy life every day, and parties are the time to really let go and enjoy. One night of snacking will not de-rail your journey.