Chamomile Tea: A Calming Brew with Countless Health Benefits

Since ancient times, people have looked to chamomile as a soothing beverage and natural treatment. Chamomile tea is an infusion that is made from the dried flowers of the chamomile plant, and it has a mild flavour and a pleasant aroma. Tea lovers and people looking for a relaxing beverage often choose it because of its wonderful health advantages, calming flavour, and versatile preparation options. Let's read more about the myriad advantages of chamomile tea, the ideal time to enjoy it, and a simple recipe for brewing this soothing elixir. 

Benefits of Chamomile Tea 

Chamomile tea is renowned for its numerous health benefits, both physical and mental. This herbal brew is celebrated for its ability to promote relaxation, alleviate stress, and aid in sleep. The natural compounds in chamomile, including apigenin and bisabolol, possess sedative properties that can help reduce anxiety and enhance the quality of sleep. It serves as an excellent alternative to caffeine-laden beverages, offering a serene way to unwind at the end of a long day.   

Beyond its calming effects, chamomile tea boasts anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These attributes contribute to its potential in easing various ailments. Many individuals turn to chamomile tea to relieve digestive discomfort, such as bloating and indigestion, as it can soothe the gastrointestinal tract. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory characteristics may provide relief from conditions like arthritis or skin irritations.  

Chamomile's mild antimicrobial properties can also contribute to oral health. The infusion can be employed as a mouthwash to combat bacteria, promote gum health, and prevent bad breath. It serves as a natural and refreshing option for maintaining oral hygiene. 

Moreover, chamomile tea is celebrated for its potential to support heart health. It may assist in lowering high blood pressure and regulating cholesterol levels. The consumption of this soothing tea may contribute to a more balanced cardiovascular system.  

Chamomile's properties extend to women's health as well. It is often recommended to alleviate menstrual cramps and discomfort. The soothing warmth of chamomile tea can help ease muscle tension and provide relief during menstruation. 

Best time to have Chamomile Tea 

Before Bed: Chamomile tea's calming effect makes it an ideal bedtime beverage. It can help alleviate stress and anxiety, facilitating a peaceful night's sleep. A warm cup of chamomile tea before bedtime has been a cherished bedtime ritual for generations. 

In the Morning: While caffeine is the go-to choice for many to kickstart their day, some opt for chamomile tea as a caffeine-free alternative. It can provide a gentle and refreshing start to the morning, helping to ease into the day with a clear and relaxed mind. 

After Meals: Chamomile tea is renowned for its digestive benefits. Having a cup post-meal can aid in digestion, reduce bloating, and provide a pleasant and soothing conclusion to a meal. 

During Stressful Moments: Chamomile tea can be a comforting ally during periods of stress and tension. When the weight of the day feels overwhelming, a cup of chamomile tea can offer solace and relief. 



1 chamomile tea bag or 1-2 tsp of dried chamomile flowers 

240 ml of hot water 

Honey or a slice of lemon for added flavour (optional) 

Method: Boil water and let it cool slightly, ideally to around 200°F (93°C). Place the chamomile tea bag or dried chamomile flowers in a teacup or a teapot. Pour the hot water over the chamomile and steep for about 5-7 minutes. The longer it steeps, the stronger the flavour will be. Remove the tea bag or strain out the chamomile flowers. If desired, add a drizzle of honey or a slice of lemon for a touch of sweetness or citrusy zing. Stir, allow it to cool slightly, and enjoy your soothing cup of chamomile tea.