Celebrate Winter Strawberries With These 7 Breakfast Ideas
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Not only in India but all over the world, strawberries come into season during winters and offer everyone a taste of the best dishes which are a balance of sweet-tart-fruity flavours. In India, fresh strawberries are grown not only in hilly areas but also states like Maharashtra, and these fruits then make their way to markets across the nation. So, winter is the perfect time to be highlighting strawberries in all your meals, and especially breakfasts. 

Why breakfast, you may ask? Well, as the first meal of the day, breakfasts provide the perfect opportunity to start your day on a sweet note. The sweetness and freshness of strawberries therefore meld really well with most breakfast elements, elevating them into breakfast dishes that can really give you a good boost for the day. Moreover, strawberries, like all fruits, are sweet, low in calories and loaded with nutrients—and what better way to start your day than with a nutrition boost? 

So, this winter, start your day with seasonal strawberries for a boost of both health and taste. Here are a few breakfast ideas where the addition of fresh strawberries can turn them into brilliant dishes to start the day with.  

Video Credit: YouTube/Daisybeet

Strawberry Ricotta Toast 

Ricotta cheese has a beautiful smoothness and creaminess that accentuates the juicy sweetness of strawberries and balances out the tanginess of the berries too. So, this combination, especially when paired with a sourdough or baguette slice, makes for a great and easy breakfast option. Just slather ricotta on a toast, top with sliced strawberries and enjoy.  

Strawberry Yoghurt Parfait 

Parfaits are a great breakfast option especially for those who are in a hurry and on the go. To make this one, you simply need to layer up creamy Greek yoghurt, strawberry slices and a mix of granola or chia seeds or even oats in a glass or jar. You can in fact make this one a night before and simply grab it while on the way to work for a quick breakfast. 

Strawberry Tacos 

Tacos also make for amazing and easy-to-eat breakfasts, so it makes absolute sense to try out an infusion of strawberries with tacos. All you need to do is load up a taco shell with sour cream, cream cheese and strawberry slices. You can also sprinkle nuts and seeds and add a drizzle of honey or syrup to add more oomph to the dish. 

Strawberry Smoothie Bowl 

The easiest way to include strawberries in your breakfast is with a smoothie bowl. To make the thickest strawberry smoothie, you simply need to blend fresh strawberries, almonds, cashews and yoghurt together. Add a bit of honey to balance the sweetness, pour it into a bowl and top with slices of strawberries, nuts, seeds and any other toppings you like. 

Strawberry Crepes 

Crepes taste somewhat like pancakes and also evoke familiarity with the Indian breakfast favourite, chilla. So, making a sweet crepe plate featuring strawberries shouldn’t be a big deal, right? To make this one, whip up a simple crepe batter with eggs, flour, milk and sugar, create the crepes and then plate them up with ricotta cheese or whipped cream and fresh strawberry slices. 

Strawberry Overnight Oats 

Another easy breakfast you can whip up with ease for those busy mornings, overnight oats provide the perfect opportunity to feature strawberries at their best. All you need to do is mix toasted oats, honey and yoghurt in a bowl, layer them up in glasses or jars with strawberries and leave them in the refrigerator overnight. Just grab them for a quick breakfast the next morning. 

Baked Strawberry Bars 

A blend of crumble and nutri bars, these baked strawberry bars offer the perfect balance of taste and nutrition. To make these, make a dough with flour, sugar, white butter and salt and press it into a baking pan. Insert whole strawberries into the dough, then bake until you have a slightly crumbly and gooey cake with strawberries leaking their juices all over. Cut these into bars once cool and enjoy.