In the boozy world, brandy has its repute. This alcoholic drink is regarded as a classy choice. The Dutch word brandewijn, which means "burned wine," is where brandy originates. Usually, fermented grape juice is used to make brandy. It often contains about 40 to 50 per cent alcohol by volume (ABV). Apart from grapes, apricots, apples, and cherries can be used to create brandy. Brandy has a subtle sweet, and fruity taste. Since it is often matured in wooden barrels, it may pick up overtones of oak flavour. As brandy ages, its flavour develops into something mellower and smoother. Brandies under two years old are regarded as unaged, while those older than two years are considered mature.
Well, this is just the tip of the iceberg if you consider the insight about brandy. Stay tuned to soak up a lot more information which will give you some bragging rights as Brandy expounder.
Sip it straight up
Good brandy should be enjoyed neat, without ice or other additives, which is one of the excellent ways to do so. Having brandy at room temperature is the best way to appreciate its nuanced flavours. You can learn about the quality of brandy by experimenting on your own to make informed judgments based on your taste. The best brandies for sipping neat are aged, fruit-flavoured, or French.
Give it some warmth
Some firms have even begun providing this traditional beverage together with a candle and snifter, catering to those who prefer it warm. However, remember not to heat brandy in a microwave or burner by holding the snifter bowl over a candle flame for a few seconds. Overheating brandy can cause it to release harsher alcohol odours, which won't make for a pleasant taste.
Acing the art of brandy snifter
Snifter glass, Image Source: Pexels
Use a snifter or similar glass for alcoholic beverages to ensure the best experience while sipping brandy. As you sip your brandy slowly from the tapered glass, the fragrances will rise to meet your nose. The broad base can be swirled as the spirit cools to distribute the heat. Is cognac, though, the best choice for digesting a meal?
Prepare a brandy cocktail
Numerous fruit flavours and mixers are suitable for brandy when making cocktails. Brandy sour and brandy highball are the most sought-after concoctions. You can also prepare sangria, and apple or French brandy works well.
Take a chill pill
Brandy with ice, Image Source: Unsplash
Many believe that chilling the liquor helps soften the pungent intensity. A brandy on the rocks is ideal if you belong to this clan. Instead of multiple smaller ice cubes, use one large one. This small tip will aid in getting the brandy to the perfect temperature without worrying about the cube melting too rapidly. If the flavour of the brandy is too strong for your taste at room temperature, stir in some ice. Wait to serve after adding ice since the brandy needs time to adjust to the cold.
Ideal time and dosage
You should consume it at its peak flavour as soon as the brandy is poured into the snifter glass. Avoid it from sitting in the tumbler at room temperature for too long. You could lose some of the flavours due to the high alcohol concentration if you let it evaporate.
If you're wondering when brandy is most appreciated, many say it's finest post dinner. Due to its sedative properties, it is a fantastic natural sleep aid. Sipping brandy daily is ideal, considering its health benefits. The antimicrobial components in brandy have long been known to improve immunity. As a potent liquor, however, brandy should be consumed in amounts of at most 1.5 ounces daily.