You enter any buffet, and no matter how ‘bleh’ the spread is, if you spot a handi of biryani anywhere near, you know it was worth it all. You quickly sneak up to the handi, make sure you get the pieces of your choice, and enough rice to carry back to your table. And this is your success story of the evening. This is all that matters. It is all about the biryani and getting your rightful due. Biryani, for those living under the rock, is a fragrant rice dish which is oozing with spices and is layered with juicy meat. The dish per say, has its origins in Middle-east Asia, but in India Biryani found a sea of fans who tweaked the rice dish in their own ways, and the rest as they say is history.
In India, you would find several variants of biryanis, almost every region has its own signature biryani, like Lucknowi biryani, Kolkata Biryani, Hyderabadi biryani, Ambur biryani et al. But did you know, these biryanis can be further classified in two kinds, kacchi biryani and pakki biryani.
What are Kacchi and Pakki Biryani?
Kacchi means ‘raw’ and Pakki means ‘cooked’ in Hindi. So, do they serve you uncooked biryani in the name of ‘Kachhi Biryani’ technique? Not at all.
Kacchi Biryani is a Biryani preparation that involves cooking rice and marinated pieced of chicken together in one sealed pot or cookware. Hyderabadi Dum biryani is a style of kacchi biryani, Sindhi Biryani is also another example.
Whereas pakki biryani refers to a technique, where the meat is cooked separately, and added to rice, both of which are cooked again together in one pot. Lucknowi Biryani is a fine sample of pakki biryani.
Needless to say, Kachhi biryani is a slightly longer preparation, but people say that your biryani seems like one whole unit when it is served on the plate. Whereas, the upside of pakki biryani is that the meat always comes out to be super tender and soaked in spices. Therefore, we, for one, cannot pick sides.
We can, however, present to you a whole lot of easy biryani recipes to enjoy. Click here.