Indian summers are ruthless. It is extremely hot, humid and rough on the people. During that time, the most refreshing thing you can have is a cold glass of fresh juice. Roadside vendors sell different kinds of juices and they are very much in demand all over the country. Sugar cane is one of the most popular juices that you can have during the summer season. Not only is it extremely cooling for the body, but it is sweet and delicious and tastes amazing with a hint of mint, lemon juice and some special masala that the vendors add to it. But if you think that you should have sugar cane juice only for its taste, then we have some good news for you. It is also extremely beneficial. Let us look at some of the benefits of having sugar cane juice during the summer season.
Instant energy booster
Sugar cane juice is a natural source of sucrose. it regulates the glucose in our bodies and helps us regain lost sugar levels. The juice is great because it helps hydrate your body and that is what you need the most in hot and humid weather. It reduces the fatigue that is caused to your body due to the harsh summer heat.
Prevents UTI
The juice from sugar cane has great diuretic properties. It helps prevent kidney stones as well as urinary tract infections. If you have burning sensations, then drinking sugar cane juice every day helps get rid of that as well because it eliminates toxins from your body.
Picture credit | Instagram - @tooyummyfortummy
According to the ancient science of Ayurveda, sugar cane juice is one of the best remedies for jaundice because it strengthens your liver. The juice helps replenish the protein count, when the body is down with jaundice.
Prevents Ageing
What if we tell you that drinking this amazing juice will not only quench your thirst, but will also keep you looking young for a very long time? Yes, the antioxidants and phenolic acid in sugar cane juice is a great anti aging remedy and it moisturizes your skin.
Boosts Immunity
Anything which vitamin C in it boosts your immunity and sugar cane juice has a good quantity of it. It also has antioxidants, so it protects your body against a lot of diseases. Not only this, We can use also makes your bones and your teeth stronger because it is a great source of calcium.