Pumpkin seeds can be made into a bowl of delicious dishes, healthy cookies, vegan delicacies, and much more. We bet most of you didn’t know these tiny seeds can be served at your dining table. Did you? There is an array of creative ways to add pumpkin seeds to your daily diet.
‘Pepita’ has a long history of nutritional use dating back to more than 7500 years ago. Pumpkin seeds were used across many cultures for treating high blood pressure, kidney stones, and urinary tract and bladder infections. Many centuries later, even scientists confirm the impressive nutrient profile of these seeds.
Whether you opt for raw, sprouted, or roasted pumpkin seeds, be ready to get a significant dose of protein, vitamins, minerals, and unsaturated fatty acids. Let’s now talk about a few pumpkin seeds’ benefits that can convince you to start having these oval-shaped edible green seeds.
Good for Bone Health
Magnesium is significant for bone formation, and pumpkin seeds provide you with this nutrient in abundance. High magnesium intake is linked to a greater bone density which means a lesser risk of developing osteoporosis, commonly seen in women post-menopause.
Maintain Diabetes
For people with diabetes, especially those with type 2 diabetes, pumpkin seeds can act as medicine due to their high magnesium content that helps in reducing blood sugar levels.
Improve Heart Health
Pumpkin seeds are packed with antioxidants, zinc, and fatty acids – all of which are known to keep your cardiovascular health sound, says a study published in the journal Medicinski Pregled. In addition, these seeds keep your heart healthy by reducing your blood pressure level and cholesterol levels.
Enhance Fertility
Men who are dealing with fertility issues owing to their low sperm quality need to focus on having pumpkin seeds. These tiny edibles are enough to protect your sperm from damage as they are a rich source of zinc, a nutrient known to improve sperm quality. In addition, pumpkin seeds are jam-packed with solid antioxidants that contribute to healthy testosterone levels.
What are you waiting for then? Buy this green goodness and reap its multiple benefits for good.