Be Summer Ready: 7 Health Benefits Of Mint To Know About
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Mint leaves are a fragrant herb that is well-known for its scent and many health advantages. Mint is a member of the Lamiaceae family and the Mentha genus. The menthol in mint gives it a refreshing, sweet taste. When ingested, mint enhances the flavour of food and beverages and makes them more appealing.

Mint originated in the Mediterranean and was later introduced to Britain and then America. It dates back to Ovid. In the mythological account of Baucus and Philemon, Ovid claims that the two lovers placed mint on dining surfaces beneath the food for the gods due to its appealing odour.

Mint is a common addition to ice cream, sweets, and other Indian foods. It imparts a cooling effect, so it is also a typical addition to mojitos and other drinks. Mint is used in many industries, including breath mints, mouthwash, chewing gum, and toothpaste. Because it's refreshing, some people mix it with their morning tea.

Here are some scientifically supported facts to research. The USDA and NIH support these facts too. 

7 Health Benefits Of Mint

1. Helps With Gut Health

Mint also has the incredible ability to help with digestive health and even alleviate some of the symptoms associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Because menthol helps calm the muscles in your digestive system, peppermint oil, in particular, has been shown to reduce the symptoms of IBS. This can, therefore, aid in better digestion and lessen stomach discomfort.

2. Improves The Immune System

As mentioned earlier, mint antioxidants significantly boost your immune system and protect you from free radical damage. A robust immune system is crucial for general well-being and avoiding numerous ailments. Apart from mint, kombucha can strengthen your immune system and encourage overall well-being. Try using it more and more in your diet. 

3. Improvise Pregnancy

Mint has another, less well-known advantage: it can help you feel better during pregnancy and less uncomfortable when nursing. You did read correctly! Hallelujah! It's a natural remedy for discomfort during nursing! To ease the agony of nursing and avoid skin cracking, some new mothers apply peppermint oil or gel directly to their skin. Chewing mint leaves some people feeling less queasy and less anxious during pregnancy.

4. Protects From Common Cold

Since a virus causes the common cold, mint won't actually cure it, but it can assist with its symptoms. Studies have shown that mint can help with nasal breathing, which can help clear your sinuses and help you get over the worst of a cold. For added warmth, how about sipping on a warm cup of mint tea?

5. Maintains Dental Health

Since mint has been shown to conceal foul breath, it's a fantastic flavouring for gum, mouthwash, and toothpaste. Furthermore, although these items cover up the odour, chewing actual mint leaves or sipping mint tea will neutralise the odour by killing off the bacteria that causes it. Peppermint, in particular, has potent antibacterial qualities and can be quite helpful in treating mouth ulcers.

6. Helps With Stress

Research suggests that mint may reduce weariness, frustration, and worry. Certain studies have even shown that the smell of mint can help you relax, so you can eat anything peppermint-flavoured or diffuse some mint oil in the air. Additionally, research indicates that peppermint may lower blood pressure and avoid hypertension.

7. Aids With Irritated Skin

In the realm of skincare, salicylic acid and vitamin A have gained immense popularity, with numerous social media influencers promoting their purifying qualities. With their antibacterial qualities, salicylic acid, and vitamin A, mint products may be a terrific addition to any skincare regimen. These ingredients are especially helpful for sensitive or prone skin. Numerous treatments on the market contain mint, well-known for its ability to unclog pores, lessen redness, and break down pimples.

Mint is a great addition to your diet and a good source of vitamins and minerals. While it might not be suitable for everyone, don't let that stop you from reaping the health advantages of mint.