Avocado To Salmon, 6 Foods For The Weight Loss Diet

Every 3 out of 5 people are trying to lose weight and we can’t disagree that losing weight is hard. It’s high time that we should understand, weight loss is not just about working out in the gym and shedding those extra kilos that you’ve put on but focusing on the diet too. It is advisable to have a balanced diet, a diet full of minerals and vitamins. But can eating less food help? Not at all. Rather, this can put the health at risk. 

If some experts are to be believed, eating a diet which has extremely few calories can also have a bad impact on health. It cannot just slower the metabolic rate but can lead to weakness as well as poor immunity. Thus, one must have a balanced diet. But what to have? Here are 6 foods that you can have in your diet for quick and healthy weight loss. Have a look! 


Salmon is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and protein. As per some studies, salmon could be great for weight loss. It can keep stomach full for a longer time and can keep hunger pangs at bay. Salmon has healthy fats and could be beneficial for health. 


Eggs could be the most convenient and easily available ingredient in the kitchen. Best part is, they are loaded with phosphorus, potassium and calcium. Eggs are a good source of protein and could make up for so many amazing dishes.  


Avocados are fruits which are underrated, and power packed with so many health benefits. Avocados are loaded with healthy fats and are a great source of fiber. It can reduce hunger while providing the right amount of nutrition to the body. 


As published by Forbes Health, shrimps stimulate the production of CCK or cholecystokinin and decrease the appetite. It also contains selenium and zinc. Not just it helps in weight loss but also boosts immunity system and keeps the body energized.  

Lupini Beans 

Lupini beans contain prebiotic fiber which is extremely good for gut health. These beans keep the body well-nourished and helps in removing the fat stored. One can have Lupini beans in the diet for a quick and healthy weight loss. 

Nuts And Seeds 

Nuts are a great source of protein, fiber as well as healthy fats. All the nutrients can prevent hunger pangs and keep the stomach full for a longer time. Similarly, seeds are loaded with healthy fats and minerals. One must include nuts and seeds to lose weight.  

Try these weight loss foods and let us know what worked for you!