Are You at High Risk of Developing Kidney Stones? Follow a Low-Oxalate Diet – Know All About it
Image Credit: Dairy products (Pictures Courtesy: Pixabay)

Are you someone who loves eating green veggies like broccoli and spinach? If yes, you must be aware that these are oxalate-rich food items and are not recommended to those who are at a high risk of developing kidney stones or those who are already undergoing kidney stone treatment. 

You must be wondering what exactly oxalate is and how it affects your health. Well, oxalates are a natural compound present in certain fruits and veggies. They can be produced by your body too. Oxalates are also known as oxalic acid. They bind to minerals like calcium and are flushed out from your system through stool preventing the absorption of calcium by your body. However, too much consumption of oxalate leads to the formation of stones in the kidneys. This medical condition is characterized by stomach pain, vomiting, nausea, etc. To avoid such painful symptoms and treat the condition, you need to decrease your consumption of high oxalate-containing foods. But doing that can keep you away from significant minerals and vitamins present in those food items. In that case, you need to follow a low-oxalate diet. Here are a few steps to do the same.

Limit Consumption of Oxalate-Rich Foods

A moderate intake of such food items and increasing consumption of calcium-rich foods can help in effective excretion of oxalate and treating kidney stones.

Add a Variety of Low-Oxalate Foods to Your Diet

Opt for food items that are packed with essential nutrients but low in oxalate. For example, bananas, cherries, mushrooms, cauliflower, meat, rice, egg, herbal tea, ginger etc.

Drink Plenty of Water

Water not only helps you stay hydrated but also in the excretion of minerals from your kidneys. That is why you are advised to consume at least 8 glasses of water daily. 

Keep Your Protein Intake Moderate

Too much intake of animal-based protein is associated with the formation of kidney stones. Therefore, consume it in moderation. Your 10-35 per cent of total daily calories should come from animal-based protein sources like fish, poultry etc.