Amla To Triphala, 7 Digestive Powders For Post-Meal Bloating

Nothing gives you more pleasure than indulging in a hearty, delectable meal. The bloated feeling that follows a meal, however, can ruin the entire dining experience for many of us. The side effects of eating rich or heavy foods may include bloating, discomfort, and indigestion. 

Fear not, however; there are natural solutions that can assist in reducing these discomforts. The use of homemade digestive powder mixtures, which have been used for centuries in many cultures to improve digestion, is one such remedy. This article will discuss seven digestive powder mixtures that you can quickly prepare at home to ease digestive issues and improve your general health.

1. Ajwain and Jeera Powder
Indian spices jeera and ajwain, also known as cumin and carom seeds, are well known for their ability to aid in digestion. Equal parts of jeera and ajwain seeds should be roasted until they give off their aroma and start to turn a light brown color. Make a fine powder from the roasted seeds. This mixture can be sprinkled on food or drank with warm water after meals to help with digestion and reduce bloating.

2. Saunf and Mishri Powder
In India, fennel seeds are referred to as saunf and have long been used as a home remedy for indigestion. This mixture is slightly sweetened with mishri, or rock sugar, which also helps to settle the stomach. Saunf and mishri should be combined in equal amounts and ground into a powder. This mixture can be consumed as a post-meal treat and not only promotes digestion but also freshens the breath.
3. Hing and Dhania Powder
Two more spices that are extremely beneficial for digestion are hing, also known as asafoetida, and dhania, also known as coriander seeds. Equal amounts of hing and dhania seeds should be roasted until fragrant and light brown. Powder them up to a fine consistency. This mixture has a reputation for reducing indigestion, gas, and bloating. It can significantly alter your meals with just a pinch added.

4. Triphala Powder
Amla (Indian gooseberry), haritaki, and bibhitaki are the three fruits used to make the Ayurvedic herbal mixture known as triphala. It has many health advantages, including improved digestion. You can purchase pre-made blends of triphala or make your own by dehydrating and grinding equal amounts of the three fruits. Triphala helps with constipation by promoting regular bowel movements, detoxifying the digestive system, and promoting healthy bowel habits.
5. Ginger and Turmeric Powder
The digestive and anti-inflammatory benefits of ginger and turmeric are well known. Peel and slice fresh ginger root and turmeric root to make this potent concoction. Until they are brittle, let them air dry in the sun. Mix together the powdered dried ginger and turmeric. This mixture can relieve bloating and promote digestion when a small amount is added to warm water or tea.
6. Methi and Saunth Powder
Dry ginger, also known as saunth and methi, and fenugreek seeds are both excellent options for easing digestive discomfort. Methi and saunth seeds should be heated in proportion and roasted until fragrant and light brown. Make a fine powder out of them. Gas, bloating, and stomach aches can be relieved by this mixture. It may be especially beneficial to take it with warm water after meals.
7. Amla and Black Salt Powder
Amla, also known as Indian gooseberry, is a great source of antioxidants and vitamin C, which helps with digestion and overall health. De-seed the amla, then sun-dry it until crisp to make this blend. A pinch of black salt should be added to the powdered dried amla. This mixture can be taken as a tart post-meal supplement and helps with digestion as well as immunity.

Also Read: What You Need To Know To Avoid Bloating After Holidays

Nature has given us a variety of spices and herbs that can improve digestion and general health. These homemade digestive powder mixtures are not only efficient, but they are also simple to make, making them a practical addition to your daily routine. So the next time you feel bloated or uneasy after a substantial meal, try one of these natural solutions and enjoy the soothing relief they provide. You won't have to worry about experiencing any after-meal discomfort, which will benefit your digestive system.