9 Healthy Foods To Consume During The Peak Monsoon Season
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There is a welcome respite from the oppressive summer heat during the monsoon season, but there are new health risks to be aware of as well. An increase in reported cases of illness is likely due to the favourable conditions for the growth of germs and viruses brought about by extreme weather. Because of this, eating well during this time is crucial. Preventing common monsoon illnesses like colds, flu, and gastrointestinal problems is as simple as making healthy food choices.

To stay healthy during the monsoon season, stocking up on specific nutritious food items is crucial. Including seasonal fruits like pears, peaches, and plums can be beneficial. Whole grains, including barley, oats, and rice, provide essential nutrients and facilitate simple digestion. The wet monsoon climate is easier to handle with dried maize, gram flour, and chickpeas. Spices such as fenugreek, turmeric, cumin, and hot soups with herbal teas help the digestive system and the immune system. It is equally important to stay hydrated and drink clean water. Proteins from chicken, soy, and eggs help the body stay robust and strengthen the immune system.

Healthy Foods To Consume During The Peak Monsoon Season

1. Seasonal Fruits

Bananas, pears, plums, papayas, apples, and peaches are some of the best seasonal fruits to eat during the monsoon. The antioxidants and vitamins found in abundance in these fruits work to fortify the body's defences. Plus, they're perfect for the humid weather because they're easy to digest and don't put too much strain on the digestive system. Avoid fruits with strong smells, like jackfruit and avoid consuming mangoes once the rains start, as they can cause digestive issues. 

2. Whole Grains

Rice, oats, wheat, millets and barley are highly recommended during the monsoon season. These grains are easier to digest compared to other starchy foods, which is beneficial during this period when digestion tends to slow down. They provide sustained energy and keep hunger at bay. Incorporating these grains into daily meals can help maintain a balanced diet and prevent monsoon-related digestive problems.

3. Pulses

Corn, gram flour, and chickpeas are considered drying foods, making them suitable for the rainy season. These foods help absorb excess moisture in the body, reducing the risk of water retention and other humidity-related issues. They are also rich in fibre and protein, contributing to overall health. Including these foods in the diet can aid digestion and keep the body light and active.

4. Herbal Teas And Hot Soups

Herbal teas and hot soups are perfect for the monsoon season. Herbal teas, such as ginger, peppermint, and chamomile, provide warmth and comfort while boosting immunity. Hot soups, especially those with garlic, can help improve digestion and ward off colds and flu. These beverages are soothing and help maintain hydration while offering essential nutrients. 

5. Nutrient-Rich Sprouts

Sprouts are nutrient-dense and an excellent addition to the monsoon diet. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Consuming sprouts helps boost immunity and overall health. It is essential to wash sprouts thoroughly before eating to avoid any contamination. Adding them to salads or consuming them as a snack can be a healthy choice.

6. Spices

Spices like turmeric, cumin, and fenugreek have numerous health benefits, especially during the monsoon. Turmeric is known for its medicinal properties, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Cumin and fenugreek aid digestion and help prevent common digestive issues during this season. Including these spices in daily cooking can enhance the flavour of meals while promoting health.

7. Clean Water

Staying hydrated is crucial, even during the monsoon when the weather is cooler. Drinking clean, filtered, or boiled water is essential to avoiding water-borne diseases. Carrying a personal water bottle ensures access to safe drinking water at all times. Proper hydration helps maintain body functions and supports the immune system.

8. Protein-Rich Foods

Proteins are vital for maintaining immunity and overall health, especially during the monsoon. Chicken is a popular choice and can be prepared in various healthy recipes like chicken tikka masala, chicken quesadillas, and chicken pakoras. For vegetarians, soya is an excellent alternative, offering a texture similar to meat and a high protein content. Soya can be used in dishes like rice pulao and sabzi. Eggs are another versatile and nutritious option, ideal for quick and healthy meals like egg paratha, egg rolls, and boiled eggs.

9. Fresh And Well-Cooked Home Food

Eating fresh, well-cooked home food is essential during the monsoon to avoid foodborne illnesses. Incorporating the above-mentioned healthy food items into daily meals can ensure a balanced diet. Home-cooked food reduces the risk of contamination and supports overall health during the rainy season.

The monsoon season demands extra care in dietary choices to stay healthy. Stocking up on seasonal fruits, whole grains, drying foods, herbal teas, hot soups, nutrient-rich sprouts, essential spices, clean water, and protein-rich foods can significantly boost immunity and well-being. Making informed food choices ensures a happy and healthy monsoon season.