8 Lesser Known Benefits Of Clove Tea For Better Digestion
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The usage of cloves to give flavour to a variety of dishes all across India is pervasive. It is one of the most popular and traditional spices that has been used in the preparation of food for ages. Cloves also have medicinal benefits which is why they were used in the preparation of Ayurvedic medicines in old age. Now as we have progressed technologically, a lot of useful recipes like clove tea have been lost somewhere, despite being natural and having immense health benefits. Today we will take you through the benefits of having a warm cup of clove tea. 

* Aids Digestion 

Clove tea is the best way to conclude your meals especially if you have eaten more than needed. This can be a quick fix for bloating, discomfort and any other problem related to your stomach. If you feel some stomach pain due to overeating, then try having a cup of this tea. Cloves can help in better digestion and breakdown of food in your stomach. This is because cloves effectively produce digestive enzymes in the body that further help in breaking down food components and improving digestion. 

* Fights Gas-Related Problems

If you are experiencing severe gas-related problems in your stomach, then you can try having a warm cup of glove tea. This can quickly solve your problems by reducing discomfort and boosting digestion. It may also contribute towards improving your metabolic health. At times we eat too much spicy or acidic food which can lead to the formation of unnecessary gas in our stomachs. Instead of taking medicines, you can try a natural cure like having a cup of clove tea.

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* Eugenol

Eugenol is a very active compound that is found in cloves. This compound is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and it is also anti-microbial. It can help in curing the problem of inflammation in your digestive tract and also fight against the creation of harmful bacteria in your stomach. This compound is also responsible for fighting against seasonal changes in the body that may lead to fever or cold.

* Antioxidants 

Cloves are full of powerful antioxidants, such as phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and vitamin C, all of which help in fighting against oxidative stress in the body. Having a cup of warm clove tea is not only beneficial to your body, but it may also provide relaxation to your mind. This tea is a powerhouse of a lot of antioxidants that contribute towards improving the overall well-being of your body.

* Dietary Fiber

Cloves are an amazing source of dietary fibre which is very important for the digestive health of our body. These dietary fibres may help in improving the regular bowel movement and preventing constipation. If you experience the problem of constipation and irregular stools then you can give this tea a try. As it is filled with so many nutritious compounds, it might help in solving your gut problems.

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* Warm Tendency

Making a tea filled with the goodness of cloves, water, honey, and lemon may cure cold or fever instantly. It may also help in healing, sore throat, headaches and bloating. The warm potency of cloves is responsible for providing inner warmth to the body that further prevents any seasonal changes in the body. Drinking clove tea in winter is a great idea as your body is going to love the warmth that it will get.

* Analgesic Properties 

Cloves have great analgesic properties which means that they can work like a painkiller to relieve a person from digestive discomfort instantly. Some people also like to drink this tea to cure toothache. The enzymes present in the clove tea can help boost the metabolic system which leads to better breaking down of food. This way the chances of experiencing any digestive comfort are lower than usual.

* Prevents Nausea

Cloves are traditionally used to help combat sickness or nausea. If you decide to consume a warm cup of Clove tea in the morning, then it will have a warm effect on your body and help in lowering your digestive system. This will prevent morning sickness or nausea and you can start your day on a happy note. The usage of cloves is very different depending from person to person. Cloves are extremely beneficial for the body which is why people have found different ways to use them for their own benefit and pain relief.

These are all the benefits of having a cup of clove tea. Cloves are healthy condiments that have a dynamic usage. Next time if you feel any discomfort in your body, then you can give clove tea a try.