8 Essential Items To Carry On Your Winter Picnic
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Everyone loves cosy winter afternoons when the sun is shining bright. These are the perfect kind of afternoons when you can step out of your house and make the best of the amazing weather outside. One of the best activities during the winter season that you can plan with your friends and family is an outdoor picnic. You can select a peaceful spot and carry eatables with you and just have a good time, relaxing and eating. Let's have a look at some important items that you must carry with you if you are planning to organise a winter picnic.

* Water Bottle

You must carry a lot of water bottles with you to always stay hydrated. The chances of not getting fresh water near your picnic Spot are always likely. So if you are planning to spend your afternoon and evening under the sun, then it is important to keep your hydration in check. You can simply carry bottles from home instead of buying plastic bottles from outside.

* Icebox 

Keeping your food under the sun for a long time always puts it at risk of getting spoiled early. This is why carrying an ice box is very important. You can store your foods, drinks and sandwiches inside your ice box and it will remain fresh for a very long time. Also, if you are planning to drink cold beverages, then getting an ice box is a must to avoid them getting hot. 

* Short Table Setup

Always try to carry a short table set up with you because most of the picnic spots are not very hygienic. You will most likely find insects crawling on the grass that can easily get into your food. Hence, to keep a safe distance from these insects, it is necessary to have a short table set up where you can keep your food and drinks. This lets you enjoy your picnic without any fear of your food getting contaminated. If you want, you can also carry a folding net along with you to cover the food in case you're not eating it constantly.

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* Waste Bags

As a responsible person, it is very important to ensure that you do not litter around. Maintaining hygiene on public property is as important as maintaining hygiene on your personal property. Carry a lot of waste bags with you to dispose of anything unwanted inside these bags. Later on, you can dump the waste bags together instead of having to go through items in the dustbin again and again.

* Disposable Plates And Glasses

Instead of carrying crockery, you can simply carry disposable plates and glasses to eat food and drink your beverages. Carrying crockery from home is not ideal as there is always a chance of the crockery getting broken up or lost. So an easier alternative is to carry disposable plates and glasses as you also do not have to clean them and you can simply throw them after using them. You can easily find paper plates in the market that can be used for picnics.

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* Napkins

Carrying napkins for cleaning yourself on the surroundings after eating is also necessary. You can also choose to carry hand towels. If you do not like using napkins. Just make sure that you carry something that can be used for cleaning purposes after you are done with your picnic. Not having napkins will make everything very chaotic and hygienic.

* Snacks

Your picnic is incomplete without carrying your favourite snacks. But while choosing your picnic snacks, always make sure that you choose continents that can stay fresh for a long time. Do not carry food that gets easily led from containers or spoiled if kept under the sun for a long time. Try carrying food items that remain fresh on their own, even if kept in the open. You can carry snacks like sandwiches, chips, pasta and desserts like doughnuts and muffins. 

* Sheet

It is very important to carry a very large sheet that you can spread on the grass for everyone to sit comfortably. You can also choose to carry a mat where you can spread everything properly and relax with your friends and family. Make sure that you carry a thick sheet or mat so that you do not feel the spiky Ness of grass if you choose to lay down.

All of these are must-carry items if you are planning a winter picnic. There are a lot of other things that you can add to this list but carrying the ones that I stated here is essential for you to have a successful picnic.