8 Astonishing Health Benefits Of Figs You Should Know About
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The fruit of the Ficus carica L. tree is commonly referred to as figs. While the tree has been cultivated for decorative purposes, the fruit has been farmed for many years. It is most often grown in arid, sunny climates like the Middle East. 

It is a fruit of miracle that nature provides. It's packed with nutrition, which are all necessary for preserving daily health. Figs can be consumed in any way that suits the eater. Additionally leaves of the plant are helpful for a number of ailments and the treatment of medical problems. Figs are a common ingredient in sweet dishes and desserts too. 

Figs can be consumed both fresh and dried. The figs have a distinct feel when they are fresh. There are tiny seeds in the apple pulp. Because of their exceptionally sweet flavour, figs can be used in place of honey in a variety of culinary preparations. Keep reading to know more about figs from studies of NIH and USDA

8 Fig Health Benefits To Know About

1. Boost Your Digestive Health

Figs help the digestive system function better overall and reduce constipation. You can say goodbye to your problems with constipation by soaking two or three figs in water over the night and eating them with honey in the morning. Because figs are high in dietary fibre, which promotes regular bowel movements and eases constipation, fibre is excellent for digestion. It gives the faeces more volume and facilitates their easy passage through the body. Additionally, the fibre in figs relaxes the entire digestive tract and relieves diarrhoea.

2. Boost Cardiovascular Health

Figs help you have better heart health by lowering blood triglyceride levels. Blood fat particles called triglycerides are a major contributor to heart disease. Furthermore, the antioxidants in figs help the body eliminate free radicals, which clog coronary arteries and result in coronary heart disease. Additionally, phenols and the heart-healthy omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids found in figs reduce the risk of heart disease.

3. Reduces Your Cholesterol

Pectin, a soluble fibre found in figs, is known to lower cholesterol levels. The extra cholesterol in your digestive system is removed by the fibre in figs, which also transports it to the stools for elimination. Vitamin B6, which is also included in figs, is necessary for the synthesis of serotonin. This serotonin reduces cholesterol and improves mood. Because dry figs have phytosterols and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which inhibit the body's natural synthesis of cholesterol, they lower total cholesterol.

4. Helps Avoid Colorectal Cancer

Frequent fig consumption helps reduce colon cancer risk. The fibre in figs aids in the body's rapid waste elimination, which is beneficial in preventing colon cancer. High quantities of mucin found in figs' many seeds gather waste materials and mucus in the colon and flush them out.

5. Controls Anaemia

Iron-deficiency anaemia can result from an iron deficiency in the body. Iron is found in dried figs and is essential to the production of haemoglobin. It has been discovered that eating dried figs raises haemoglobin levels in the blood. To prevent difficulties, it is especially important for growing children, teenagers, menstrual women, and pregnant women to keep an eye on their iron levels. In order to raise your body's iron levels and effectively address the issue, include figs in your diet if you are unwell or have recently had surgery.

6. Reduces Blood Sugar In Individuals With Diabetes

The health advantages of the leaves extend beyond merely the fruit. Fig leaves contain wonderful qualities that can help control blood sugar levels. You can drink tea made from fig leaves. Four to five fig leaves can be boiled in filtered water to make tea. Fig leaves can also be dried and ground into a powder. To a litre of water, add two tablespoons of this powder and bring to a boil. And voilà! It's time for your tea!

7. Prevents Breast Cancer

Among the fruits with the highest fibre content are figs. Additionally, it was discovered that women who ate higher amounts of dietary fibre in their youth and early adult years had a lower chance of developing breast cancer. According to Havard, a high fibre diet was linked to a 16% lower risk of breast cancer in general and a 24% lower risk of breast cancer prior to menopause. It is well known that components in dried figs and fig extracts aid in the prevention of postmenopausal breast cancer.

8. Strengthens The bones

Figs are rich in magnesium, potassium, and calcium. These elements support healthy bones. Figs slow down the deterioration of bones, which starts as you become older, and increase bone density. For strong, healthy bones, calcium is essential, and figs are among the greatest foods to get it. Potassium from figs balances the increased calcium loss through the urine that comes with eating a high-salt diet. This keeps the thinning out of your bones.

Consuming figs in moderation is advised. Consuming too many figs could have the opposite impact of some of the desired outcomes.