7 Festive Whisky Cocktails To Keep Your Christmas Spirits High

As Christmas approaches, finding the perfect holiday drink becomes a quest of paramount importance. While your usual whiskey may suffice on an ordinary day, this time of year calls for something truly special, mirroring the festivity adorning your Christmas tree. 

Christmas, a time steeped in tradition, often sees whisky playing a role in various rituals. Perhaps it's the ritual of enriching the Christmas cake with a generous pour or leaving a tot out for Father Christmas during his rounds. Whether you're opting for a safe choice or aiming to craft something extraordinary for a small gathering, we've compiled a selection of whiskey cocktail recipes that perfectly capture the essence of the holidays. Regardless of your preference for a warm or chilled drink, bourbon or rye, you'll discover the ideal whiskey concoction to spread the joy of the season.

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1. Chamomile Hot Toddy:

There’s something about sitting warm and snug inside while the weather outside gets chilly that just makes this time of year the most peaceful. To wrap up your day with a soft soothing drink this blend of calming chamomile and bourbon will do the trick. To make it, just steep 2 chamomile tea bags in 200ml hot water. Add 50ml bourbon, a tablespoon of honey, and a squeeze of lemon. Garnish with a lemon twist for a soothing sip.

2. Peppermint Hot Chocolate:

Peppermint is a classic flavour for the holidays and Hot Chocolate is the ultimate Christmas warmer. Blending the two with a dash of whisky indulgence is the perfect recipe for Christmas cheer. In 250ml warm milk, dissolve 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder and add 30ml of peppermint schnapps and 20 ml Scotch whiskey. Stir well. Top with whipped cream and a sprinkle of crushed candy canes for a delightful Peppermint Hot Chocolate.

3. Mulled Whiskey:

Mulled wine is a common fixture at most Christmas feasts, but have you tried your hand at mulled whiskey? The mix of spicess with the peaty, smoky qualities of an aged whisky are a glorious pairing. To make your own, just combine 200ml apple cider, 50ml whiskey, and a cinnamon stick. Heat it gently till it comes to a gentle simmer. Add a pinch of cloves and an orange slice and serve warm

4. Bourbon Eggnog:

No Christmas truly feels complete without eggnog. Any spirit can be used but with a deep, aged bourbon, you can level up you eggnog to unprecedented levels of deliciousness. In a saucepan, whisk together 2 eggs, 60ml bourbon, 30ml simple syrup, and 150ml milk. Gently heat the mixture over a low flame but don’t bring it to a boil. After 8-10 minutes, pour into a glass over ice and sprinkle with nutmeg or serve it warm.

5. Cinnamon Old Fashioned:

The Old Fashioned is one of the stalwarts of classic whisky cocktails. While it’s got a distinctive overtone of citrus, this also pairs nicely with other classic Christmas flavours like cinnamon. Muddle a sugar cube with a splash of water in a glass. Add 60ml bourbon and ice. Stir well. Garnish with an orange twist and a cinnamon stick for a spiced delight that pairs old-world cocktail flavours with a festive feel.

6. Irish Coffee:

Christmas spirit got you feeling a bit drowsy? This is the ultimate pick-me-up. The go-to for coffee lovers to get their caffeine fix with a hint of boozy goodness, and Irish coffee is the best comfort with a kick. Just brew a strong cup of coffee (150ml). Add 50ml Irish whiskey and 2 teaspoons of brown sugar. Stir until sugar dissolves. Top with whipped cream for a traditional Irish Coffee.