7 Common Foods You Should Avoid For Dinner
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Breakfast is the most important meal of the day; correct but you should never ignore your dinner choices as bad food decisions could lead to problems more serious than you imagine. People do emphasise having a great breakfast but in order to balance their cravings, dinner is usually the meal where people go overboard. It could be to enjoy your day-end, or the start of the weekend or just some celebration. We are not asking you to stop enjoying but practise mindfulness and make informed decisions while definitely consuming food in moderation.

The following are some foods that you should avoid eating for dinner.

Cruciferous Veggies

There is no doubt that these veggies are definitely healthy. But cruciferous vegetables have raffinose, a compound that our body cannot digest. These veggies go through the small intestines to the large intestines mainly undigested, therefore, it is preferred to not eat these veggies at night.

Fizzy Drinks

It is no secret that colas and sodas are loaded with caffeine which will not allow you to sleep peacefully at night or maybe won't let you sleep at all. They are also not a good choice when it comes to weight management as they are just empty calories with no nutritional profile.


This indulgent food is loved by people all over the world and every time is the right time for chocolate as most people would agree. But it is not always a good idea to have chocolate at night. Many people don't realise that chocolates also contain caffeine, much like sodas and colas. So it is best to avoid these sweet treats before going to bed.

Starchy Foods

Common examples of starchy foods are potatoes, rice and pasta which are frequently made for dinner. The main problem with these foods is that they convert into sugar and lead to spikes in blood sugar.

The energy created by those foods will not be burned at night and will then be stored as fat in the body.

Fried Foods

Well, indulging in fried food could feel like bliss but there are some detrimental consequences to this. Snacks such as pakores, chicken nuggets, pav vada, kofte, and fried fish are frequently made for dinner but many don't realise that these foods with excess amounts of oil are not easy to digest. It is preferred to either make lightly oiled pan-fried foods or switch to an air fryer.

Spicy Foods

This is something many people enjoy for dinner. Indian cuisine is known for its bold and spicy flavours so staying away from spicy food could prove to be a difficult task. The reason spicy foods should be avoided for dinner is mainly due to the fact that they can cause indigestion and loose motion, according to 1mg.

High-Protein Foods

This may come as a surprise to many because protein is often treated as the champion macro-nutrient that you should never say to and keep consuming as much as you can. Although protein has a vast number of benefits for the body, it is still not advisable to eat foods with high protein content because protein takes longer to digest. As it takes longer to digest, it will interfere with your sleep and you may feel tired and stressed after waking up the next morning.