6 Tips To Keep Your Grains and Pulses Dry During The Monsoon
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In the Indian subcontinent, grains and pulses are some of the most important ingredients that are staples of the Indian diet. Beyond their smooth, creamy and nutty taste and texture, they are also a great source of carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals. The uses of these versatile ingredients go beyond human consumption, catering to domestic animals and also being used at an industrial level. However, the issue everyone faces with storing grains and pulses is the monsoon season, which is its pure enemy.

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The monsoon season, characterised by heavy rainfall and high humidity, poses a formidable threat to the storage of grains and pulses. These conditions create an environment conducive to mould growth, pest infestations, and spoilage, potentially leading to significant losses. Therefore, adopting effective storage practices to keep grains and pulses dry is crucial for ensuring their longevity and safety for consumption.

Add Whole Tumeric To The Box

Adding whole turmeric to the container of your grains and pulses can keep your pulses dry during the humid monsoon season. Turmeric also contains natural antifungal and anti-bacterial properties, which will easily prevent mould from growing on your staples. Turmeric is available in most Indian households, so this method is very easy to perform.  

Dry Roast Them

You must have come across your mom dry roasting the grains and pulses on a pan during the monsoon. This process of dry-roasting without oil until they release a nutty aroma will help reduce the moisture content, making them less prone to mould or pests. After dry roasting them, you must store them in an airtight container to maintain their dryness and quality. This is a very effective and easy-to-do method to make sure that your staples are in good condition for long days and are fresh to use whenever you want.

Utilise Airtight 

These containers create a sealed environment that prevents moisture from seeping in, protecting your food from dampness and mould. Airtight storage also keeps pests at bay, ensuring your grains and pulses remain fresh and uncontaminated. By blocking humidity, these containers preserve the texture and nutritional value of your food, making them an essential tool for maintaining quality and extending its shelf life.

Add Cloves To The Jars

Like turmeric, cloves also contain natural antifungal and antibacterial properties that prevent moisture and pest infestation. Additionally, their strong aroma also acts as a natural repellent for insects, ensuring that all your grains and pulses are in good condition. You just need a few cloves according to the quantity of the grain or pulses and then just add them to the jars.

Sun Bath As Possible

Sunbathing your grains and pulses is a pro-tip to keep them dry during the monsoon. Spreading them under the sun ensures they remain moisture-free, preventing mould and pest infestations. The sun's heat effectively evaporates any residual moisture, maintaining the quality and longevity of your stored grains and pulses. Make sure to sunbathe them on clear, sunny days, using clean mats or cloths to spread them evenly.  

Use Dry Spoons

While cooking dishes in a hurry, people often make the mistake of inserting a wet spoon or ladle into the jars of grains and pulses. This can easily lead to spoilage of the grains and pulses by creating an atmosphere for the moulds. To prevent such occurrences, keep dry spoons in the jars so you can use those instead of interesting extra spoons. This habit is highly crucial for maintaining a clean and hygienic kitchen.