6 Reasons To Add Cucumber Juice To Your Weight-Loss Diet

Weight loss is the toughest challenge anyone can take on. From working out for hours to staying away from your favourite snacks and desserts, one has to sacrifice a lot to get into the desired shape. Diet plays a very crucial role in your weight loss journey. Our food choices have a direct impact on it, and even a little mistake in picking the right item can ruin all our efforts.  

There are many foods that can help you get rid of those extra kilos, such as nuts, eggs, whole grains, and legumes. Cucumber is another such food that can contribute to losing weight. According to WebMD, this vegetable contains approximately 95% water and is also low in calories. 

Here are six reasons to include cucumber juice in your weight-loss diet: 

Low In Calories  

Consuming more calories than you burn can make you overweight. Cucumber juice is a very low-calorie drink, with only about 10 calories per cup. It is also low in sugar, with only about 2 grams of sugar per cup. This makes it a good choice for people who are trying to lose weight or who are watching their calorie intake. Even if you drink the juice more, the fewer calories and high-water content of cucumber won't contribute to weight gain. 

Keeps You Hydrated  

According to HealthifyMe, the water content of cucumbers not only keeps the body hydrated but also contributes to weight loss. Cucumber juice is made up of about 95% water. This helps to keep you hydrated, which can be important for weight loss. When you are hydrated, you are less likely to feel hungry and more likely to burn calories. Cucumber juice makes you feel fuller, which curbs cravings for snacks or unhealthy foods. 

Improves Digestion  

The fibre and water content of cucumber prevent indigestion and constipation, which are the main reasons for bloating. Cucumber juice is a good source of fibre, with about 2 grams of fibre per cup. Fibre helps keep you feeling full, which can also help with weight loss. Drinking cucumber juice daily can promote digestion and smooth bowel movements, which have a positive impact on your weight loss journey. 

Rich In Nutrients  

A weight-loss diet does not mean starving. Our body needs all the nutrients for smooth functioning. Cucumbers are a great source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that boost your energy levels, reduce inflammation, regulate blood sugar, and help you manage your weight. 

Detoxifies The Body 

Drinking cucumber juice is an easy way to detoxify the body. It helps in passing toxins through the urine and tighten stomach muscles. It also reduces gastric ulcers which is another reason for fat accumulation in the body. Drink cucumber juice every morning and keep yourself clean from the inside. 

 It May Help Boost Metabolism 

Cucumber juice contains some compounds that may help boost metabolism. For example, cucumber juice contains cucurbitacin, which are compounds that have been shown to help burn fat. 

Cucumber-Lemon Juice Recipe  

Total Time: 5 min. 



  • 30 oz. cucumbers, halved and deseeded  
  • 6 basil leaves  
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar  
  • 2 1/2 tablespoons of lemon juice  


  • Feed prepped cucumbers and basil leaves into a running juicer. Collect the juice in a large pitcher.  
  • Add lemon juice and sugar to the pitcher and stir to dissolve.  
  • Pour the juice into serving glasses and serve.