6 High Calorie Foods With Good Fats For Weight Gain

For a certain section of people, gaining weight might seem as difficult a journey as losing weight is to some. Gaining weight usually involves intaking a higher number of calories on an average, per day, through a number of small meals packed with fatty foods. Although most foods that are delicious to taste can provide an individual with the calories required to gain weight, keeping a check on the nutritional value of what is being consumed is important to gain weight in a healthy way. Hence, eating foods packed with good fats that can be eaten frequently, in a variety of ways, is an ideal way to start the process of gaining weight. Here are six foods loaded with good fats to help kickstart the journey.


Avocados are packed with healthy monounsaturated fats and provide around 320 calories per fruit. Being a good source of fibre, vitamins and minerals, avocados are relatively more calorie-dense than most other whole fruits. Enjoy eating one avocado a day by simply slicing it and topping it over toast, or eat as guacamole with chips. You could also add a portion of avocado to your smoothies or add them to your lunch wraps and sandwiches, to keep you full for longer.


Unpasteurised cheese is a calorie-dense dairy product that contains good fats. Pick from options like cheddar, mozzarella and Swiss cheeses that can be added to sandwiches, salads or eaten as a snack. Opt for cheeses that are made in small batches, unprocessed and not packed overtly with salt. Adding a few grams to your meals each day and grating some into your omelettes or pasta, is a great way of enjoying different flavours and textures of cheese.

Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is a creamy and calorie-rich alternative to regular milk and derived from coconut pulp. Often used as a liquid base in curries, soups or desserts, this plant-based milk is loaded with good fats, along with being great for skin and hair. Coconut milk can also be used as a replacement for whole milk in coffee or for ice creams, as well as enjoyed in comforting home-cooked meals.

Also Read:

Healthy Fats: Understanding Their Benefits And Sources

Fatty Fish

Salmon, mackerel and trout are examples of fatty fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids and protein. One serving of salmon, for instance, contains around 180 calories and 22 grams of high-quality protein that improve muscle density. Enjoy these fatty fishes steamed, in curries or stews, grilled or fried to experience their full flavour as well as pack your meal with a portion of its necessary protein requirement for the day.


A low-cost and convenient carbohydrate source, rice is an essential part of the diet required to gain weight. Eating it as your carbohydrate component in a meal and pairing it with a variety of vegetables and protein, makes it a balanced meal that is also rich in calories. Prepare rice in a variety of ways by making pulao, biryani, fried rice and Buddha bowls by adding eggs, broccoli, mushrooms, bell peppers, leafy greens or red meat to bulk up the meal further.

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate bars with high cocoa content is a calorie-dense treat that provides healthy fats. It is also a source of antioxidants and meant to improve heart health. It is best to be mindful of portion sizes due to its sugar content; you could also opt for dark chocolate flavoured with orange zest or studded with nuts and dry fruits, for added texture, good fats and crunch. Enjoy biting into a bar on its own or mixing into your warm or cold milk. Melt some dark chocolate to frost cookies and cakes or use as a ganache over ice cream.