6 Healthiest Indian Spices To Add To Your Diet
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Spices are an indispensable part of Indian cooking. Essential spices like cumin, turmeric, coriander, cinnamon and black pepper create the entire depth of flavours in Indian dishes which also gives it a signature Indian flavour. More than just being a flavour condiment, spices also possess numerous nutrients and composition which makes them a crucial part of the diet.

Ayurveda has glorified the usage of spices in the diet. According to Ayurvedic science, a balanced meal should have six tastes, namely sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent, and astringent. Spices give a convenient avenue to include all these flavours in the meal.

The quintessential Indian spices have also been used for medicinal purposes. These spices transform every ordinary ingredient into a remarkable delicacy with perfectly balanced flavours. Add these six healthiest spices to your diet and treat your health along with feeding your gut.

6 Ordinary Yet Extraordinary Indian Spices To Add To Your Diet

1) Turmeric

Turmeric is known for giving the characteristic colour to several Indian dishes. The earthy taste with a sweet hint and nodes of peppery taste brings deep flavours to every dish. This spice contains Curcumin, which is famously known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Nutritionists suggest that turmeric-infused dishes can help in the prevention of heart diseases. Whether you want to add an exciting flavour and colour to your dishes or enjoy a warming tea, adding a dash of turmeric will make it more enjoyable and healthy.

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2) Cumin

Cumin has been a part of Indian cuisine for centuries. The inclusion of cumin in ancient Indian cooking highlights its significance. Cumin contains numerous significant nutrients and minerals which makes it a vital addition to healthy diets. It is rich in antioxidants and iron along with several other nutrients. Cumin aids in digestion, protects against infections and helps with weight loss. People with diabetes should consume cumin to lower their blood sugar levels.

3) Black Pepper

Before red chillies were introduced in India, black pepper was the main spicing agent used to bring heat to every dish. It is also known as the king of spices and contains numerous health benefits. Black pepper aids in digestion, prevents constipation, treats skin pigmentation, acts as a perfect remedy for dandruff and helps with weight loss. Along with this, black pepper contains antioxidants which reduce inflammation, detoxify the body and enhance brain function.

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4) Cardamom

Cardamom is a natural mouth freshener and is also used for treating digestive problems like heartburn, intestinal spasms, intestinal gas and constipation. More than just a flavourful addition to tea, curries and desserts, cardamom is also used as an herb for medicinal purposes. Research has also concluded that cardamom possesses cancer-fighting compounds and lowers blood pressure. This compact superfood packed in a pod has several possibilities in culinary applications and can be eaten anywhere and anytime.

5) Cinnamon

Cinnamon or dal chini adds beautiful sweet nodes to dishes and makes them aromatic. The natural oils of this spice contain cinnamaldehyde which is linked with powerful health benefits. Cinnamon is known for building metabolism and preventing damage from free radicals. It is loaded with antioxidants, antidiabetics and nutrients which treat several diseases. Cinnamon also has compounds that lower cardiovascular diseases and is also linked with treating neurological diseases as well.

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6) Cloves

The small flower buds of cloves carry powerful nutrients and flavours that can turn any dish into a delectable composition. The natural pungency and strong flavour of clove bring out an elegant fragrance in every dish and also leave a numbing sensation in the mouth. Cloves are loaded with antioxidants which prevents cell damage from free radicals. Additionally, cloves have antibacterial properties which aids in oral hygiene. Moreover, cloves protect against infection and suppress cough.

These essential Indian spices will not only give your dishes a new dimension but also fill them with wholesome goodness. Adding these spices to everyday diet will make every meal flavorful and also make it nutrient rich.