Monsoon Diet: 5 Spices To Prevent Extreme Hair Loss
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There is hardly anyone who hates the rain. The nippy weather and lush greenery calm the mind and provide relief from the summer's distress. However, the only thing that troubles us is the high humidity and moisture present in the air, which seem to have a direct impact on our hair. 

Although we get to indulge in the puddle of joy of the rainy season, we must focus on the not-so-pleasant factors of the season. During the monsoon, many of us suffer from extreme hair loss, thus affecting our overall hair health. The increased humidity in the air causes hair to absorb hydrogen. This disrupts the chemical structure of the hair and makes the roots sensitive. Besides, it washes off the natural oil from the scalp, making the hair strands swell up. These result in brittle, fragile, dull, and moist hair, leading to extreme hair fall during the season. 

Although we reach out for good shampoos, oils, and other topical treatments, we fail to realise that maintaining a proper diet helps add nutrients to our roots, making them stronger than ever. However, you do not need to move mountains for these. All you need to do is scan through your spice rack, pick up the right spices, and enjoy their benefits. 

Here are five such spices that will help prevent hair loss and further strengthen your hair. 

  • Black Pepper (Kali Mirch)   

Apart from spicing up your meal, black pepper also helps you get thick, long black hair. Loaded with vitamins A and C, carotenoids, flavonoids, and other nutrients, it helps fight inflammation in the cells and prevents the strands from swelling up. Besides, it strengthens the roots and leads to hair growth. You can either add it to your regular meal or enjoy it as a detox water by soaking some peppercorns in a glass of water. 

  • Sesame Seeds (Til)   

Sesame seeds are loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids that prevent natural oil on the scalp and maintain the shine of your hair. Omaga-3 fatty acids also improve blood circulation, including in the hair cells, making them thick, long, and beautiful. However, it must be noted that sesame seeds should be taken in moderation. According to Ayurveda, sesame seeds create heat in the body and lead to bloating and pain. You can consume it in a limited amount along with some dahi or yoghurt smoothies. 

  • Cumin (Jeera)   

It is known that cumin helps with weight loss, promotes metabolism, and manages overall health. Besides, this spice is good for hair. It contains protein and carbohydrates that enable hair growth and strengthen the roots. It further helps prevent natural oil on the scalp and reduce hair frizz caused by humidity. You can always include cumin seeds in detox water. 

  • Nigella Seeds (Kalonji)   

This spice contains thymoquinone, which is a compound that is known to nourish the hair follicles, preventing hair loss. It also helps grip the hair better on the scalp. You can add it as a tadka to your everyday meal and enjoy the benefits of kalonji.   

  • Cinnamon (Dalchini)   

Packed with antioxidants and vitamins including A, C, E, and K, this spice helps reduce inflammation and strengthen the hair follicles, thus speeding up hair growth. You can consume cinnamon by infusing it in water or enjoying it as herbal tea.