5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Be Eating Processed Ramen Noodles
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Ramen noodles are a type of noodles native to South Korea. Because of the robust flavours and unique texture, they became instantly popular in India. While a lot of restaurants serve fresh ramen noodles, they're quite expensive in India right now because not many people know how to cook it correctly. Also, the ingredients needed to cook authentic-style ramen noodles are generally expensive, which makes these noodles expensive to have at restaurants. 

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In this case instant ramen noodles are a great way to enjoy delicious restaurant style ramen noodles at home at a much lower price. They also get prepared within a few minutes and one can also have it more frequently because of its low price. But looking at these noodels from an objective perspective, one will realise that they're not healthy and quite alarming for one's health. Here are some of the top reasons why you shouldn't be eating processed ramen noodles.

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* Nutrition 

Nutrition-wise, ramen noodles are not very impressive and have high amounts of calories as well as facts. The worst part about processed ramen noodles is the fact that they're also very high in sodium and do not have any significant amount of minerals or nutrients. While it's okay to have these noodles sporadically or once in a blue moon, having them regularly instead of having a proper meal can lead to severe nutritional deficiencies as they do not have any substantial nutrients to contribute to the overall health of a person.

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* High Sodium

Although sodium is an important mineral that plays an integral part in the overall functioning of the body, overdose of sodium isn't good for one's health. Most processed foods including processed noodles have high amounts of sodium. As per a study published in the journal Nutrients in 2018, excessive amounts of sodium consumption can lead to cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, and even neurological disorders. High doses of sodium should be avoided by children and people of old age at any cost.

* Heavy Metal Toxicity 

Most of the processed Ramen noodles available in the market use different types of metals for enhancing flavours. These metals do not just help in elevating the flavour of the noodles but also increase the shelf life of these noodles. However, the consumption of these metals is not at all safe for the body. In a study published by the journal, Springer in 2018, it has been published that the perpetual consumption of processed noodles can lead to metal toxicity. This can lead to problems such as impaired neuronal and even vision impediment. 

* Unnecessary Weight Gains

Most of the processed noodles available in the market are a significant source of unhealthy fats and excess carbohydrates that are not required by the body. The incessant consumption of these noodels can lead to unwanted weight gain. Also, most of these models are very low in fibre which do not promote the feeling of fullness. Even after one has consumed a substantial portion, a person remains hungry and thus ends up eating more than the body needs. All of these factors, cumulatively can lead to excessive weight gain among children at a very young age.

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* High Risk of Metabolic Syndrome 

Another significant harmful effect of consuming processed ramen noodles is the high susceptibility to suffering from metabolic syndrome. As per a study published in the journal, Nutrition Research and Practice in 2017, it has been stated that people who consume processed noodles have a 68% higher risk of developing metabolic syndrome. A metabolic syndrome is a collective condition in which a person is vulnerable towards the risk of developing type two diabetes and heart-related problems. 

How Much Processed Ramen Noodles Should Be Consumed

Many people suggest entirely cutting off any type of processed food from one's diet and only eating fresh food. Although this is the right kind of advice, it is certainly not practical. Having processed ramen noodles regularly can be extremely dangerous for one's health and it should be avoided at any cost. However, having ramen noodles once in a while is right. Also, there are a lot of ways through which one can make processed ramen noodles, healthier and more nutritionally balanced. 

One can add a lot is green vegetables which are a great source of antioxidants and vitamins. Also adding some source of protein like boiled eggs or tofu will not only enhance the taste of the ramen noodles but also would make one feel satisfied. While all of this is a way of making ramen noodles less unhealthy, one should limit the consumption of these noodles as much as possible.