5 Reasons Why Tomatoes Should Be Your Summer Staple
Image Credit: Why eat tomato in summer? | Pexels

Tomatoes are more fruit than vegetables, and they have a huge amount of water content, making up almost 95% of the entire composition. Brimming with bright red colours and coming in various shapes and sizes, tomatoes are a lovely addition to salads and dishes, adding their intriguing tangy and tart flavour.

Since it is one of the most hydrating vegetables, it is a delightful addition to a summer diet. Their versatility allows them to be savoured both raw and cooked and transformed into several delicacies like juice, salads and stir-fries. In addition to this, tomatoes are also filled with vitamins A and C, along with several other nutrients.

Having said that, including tomatoes in your meals can not only enhance the flavour but also boost your health. Learn more about the benefits of adding tomatoes to your summer diet and what's the best way to reap those benefits.

5 Reasons To Include Tomatoes In The Summer Diet

1) Loaded With Antioxidants

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Tomatoes are a source of lycopene, which is responsible for their red colour. Lycopene has powerful antioxidant properties, which include protecting cells from free radical damage and reducing the risks of chronic diseases like cancer and diabetes. Other antioxidants found in tomatoes are vitamin C, which protects the skin; beta-carotene, which maintains healthy vision; and naringenin, which has anti-inflammatory properties.

2) Enhances Immunity

Vitamin C and A in tomatoes are known for aiding immunity and enhancing the body's ability to fight disease. In a research paper published in the Biology Journal in 2022, tomatoes were proven to  benefit immunity through their rich content of lycopene, β-carotene, and vitamin C.  These compounds enhance lymphocyte proliferation and natural killer cell activity, strengthening the body's defence against infections. Additionally, tomatoes also hold potential as an edible vaccine, which you can eat to prevent diseases.

3) Improves Heart Health

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Lycopene in tomatoes is linked to treating heart disease and improving overall heart health. In a review published by the Biology journal in 2022, it was reported that a high intake of lycopene, along with high levels of antioxidants in the blood, can reduce the risk of heart disease by 14%. The review also verified that tomatoes can effectively reduce the bad cholesterol or LDL cholesterol in the blood and increase HDL or good cholesterol.

4) Protects Skin From Sun Damage

Vitamin C, Beta-carotene and lycopene in tomatoes are linked to protecting the skin from damaging effects caused by the sun's UV rays. Lycopene, found abundantly in tomatoes, acts as a powerful antioxidant that shields the skin from UV damage caused by the sun. Research suggests that consuming tomato paste rich in lycopene can increase skin protection by 30%. While it doesn't replace sunscreen, including tomatoes in your diet can provide an extra layer of defence against sun damage, helping you maintain healthier and younger-looking skin.

5) Supports Recovery After Exercise

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Exercise can cause damage to proteins in the muscles. The antioxidants in tomatoes can help neutralise the damage and aid in faster recovery. In the study published in the Biology Journal in 2022, the effects of tomatoes were examined on athletes and non-athletes. Studies show that athletes who consumed tomato juice for two months experienced enhanced recovery. In another study, participants drinking tomato juice exhibited lower blood markers of exercise-induced damage. Regular tomato consumption may support quicker recovery post-exercise.

Tomatoes must be enjoyed in many forms to extract the most benefits from them. Add raw tomatoes to your salads, drink tomato juice, make pasta sauce, soups and gravies, and incorporate them into as many dishes as you can this summer.