5 Reasons Why To Add Kefir To Your Diet In 2023
Image Credit: A bottle of milk kefir, Unsplash

2023 is a year rooting for fermented food and gut-healthy promoting ingredients. In the past few years, people have begun a notable shift towards comprehending the importance of gut health. In this context, kefir's popularity as a beverage to enhance digestive health is no surprise. The fermented milk of goat, cow or sheep is used to make the beverage kefir. Similar to milk kefir, water kefir has a water base. Kefir is frequently compared to Greek yoghurt; in some ways, the two products are identical. Like Greek yoghurt, kefir is produced through fermentation and has a little sour flavour but a thinner consistency. Various types of helpful microorganisms are also present in kefir. 

The Turkish word "keif," which means "pleasant sensation," is the source of the English term "kefir." The Caucasus Mountains in Eastern Europe, close to what is now Turkey, are where historians think kefir first appeared centuries ago. 

Here are some facts vouching for this fermented drink's health benefits. 

Boosting digestive health

About 30 different probiotic organisms can be found in kefir. These are regarded as beneficial microorganisms that enhance intestinal health. That might facilitate the body's digestive functions. Tryptophan, a vital amino acid, is present in kefir. It is said by scientists to have a calming impact on the neurological system, which aids the body's functions in passing food through the digestive tract.

Freshly made kefir, Image Source: iStock

Alleviates constipation 

Including kefir in your diet may help those who experience regular constipation. It has been demonstrated that the probiotics and yeast in kefir aid in keeping a healthy balance of good bacteria in the gut. It aids in the relief of constipation, among other health advantages.

Water kefir, Image Source: Unsplash

Regulates cholesterol and heart health

High levels of bacterial probiotics are present in fermented foods, including kefir, yoghurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi, which may help decrease cholesterol. According to research, the beneficial bacteria in foods like fermented kefir may help maintain heart health.

Rich source of magnesium

Vitamin C, calcium, vitamin K, folate, and phosphorus are all abundant in kefir. Magnesium is another mineral that can be found in significant quantities in this product. According to studies, magnesium supports physiological functions like muscle contraction and nerve impulses and normalises heart rhythm.

Aids in weight loss

It's commonly known that kefir contains probiotics. The connection between probiotics and weight loss is still being researched by scientists. A Stanford Medical School study discovered that those who consumed the kefir-specific bacteria lost weight more quickly than those who did not.