5 Foods You Should Avoid Cooking in Cast Iron Pans

Cast iron pans have been a beloved kitchen essential for many years due to their exceptional durability and ability to distribute heat evenly. They are widely recognised and used in kitchens all around the world. These cookware pieces are incredibly versatile and can add a unique infusion of flavour to your dishes. Not only that, but they also have the added benefit of increasing the iron content in your food, which is great for your health. However, even though cast iron is quite sturdy, there are certain foods that should avoid coming into contact with its seasoned surface. Let's take a look at the world of cast iron cooking and know these five foods that, despite what many people think, are not ideal for these durable pans. 


Although cast iron is great for achieving a perfect sear and caramelization, it may not be the best choice when it comes to cooking eggs. Eggs can be quite delicate and have a tendency to stick, which can make it challenging to achieve your desired sunny-side-up perfection. Cast iron pans don't have the same non-stick surface as other pans, which means that eggs can stick to them more easily. This can be frustrating when cooking breakfast. If you really want to have eggs, it's best to use a pan that has been seasoned well or use a separate non-stick option. This will make your morning cooking experience much easier and stress-free. 

Acidic Foods 

When it comes to cooking with cast iron, it's important to keep in mind that acidic ingredients such as tomatoes, vinegar, or citrus fruits may not be the best match. When the acidity is high, it can affect the seasoning of the pan, which may result in a less desirable taste in your dishes. When we consume acidic foods, they have the ability to remove the protective layer of seasoning on our cookware. This could expose the iron underneath and may result in a metallic taste being transferred to the food. When you're working with these flavorful ingredients, it's best to choose alternative cookware to protect both your pan and your taste buds. 

Sticky Foods 

Although cast iron's ability to create a delicious crust is a great advantage, it can become a challenge when dealing with sticky foods. Sometimes, when cooking, certain ingredients have a tendency to stick to the pan. This can make it a bit challenging to flip, turn, and serve the food without it getting sticky. When you cook with sugary ingredients like syrups and glazes, they can make cleaning your cast iron surface quite difficult. Why not save yourself the hassle of scrubbing and try using different cookware options for sticky cooking tasks? 

Delicate Fish 

When cooking delicate fish, it's important to handle it with care due to its tender flesh. The strong heat retention and powerful heat distribution of cast iron could be too intense for these delicate seafood options. There is a higher chance of overcooking or cooking the fish unevenly, which could affect its delicate texture and flavour. If you're looking to elevate your seafood cooking, it's worth considering using a pan that offers precise temperature control and a more delicate cooking surface. 

Avoid Storing Food 

Using cast iron pans to store leftover food is not recommended. When moisture and time come together, they can cause the pan's seasoned surface to rust and tarnish. Instead, simply transfer your delicious dishes into storage containers once they have cooled down. By taking this precaution, you are able to maintain the pan's seasoning, which will help it stay in great condition and continue to be a dependable tool in your kitchen for countless meals in the future.