5 Foods To Regulate Menstrual Cycle

A menstrual cycle operating like clockwork is perhaps one of the best indications of a healthy and fit body and mind. Irregular cycles can be the result of stress, anxiety, travel, improper dietary habits and even excessive consumption of alcohol. An irregular period can lead to more of PMS, irritability, pains and cramps on days of heavy blood flow. It can cause disturbed sleep, sore muscles and put further stress on the body.

While regular exercise and a healthy diet remain the surest ways to maintain a regular cycle, it is also necessary to include certain foods in every day diet to first regularise the menstrual clock. Consuming these simple, natural foods can help the body to gradually overcome the distresses of an irregular period and strengthen the uterine muscles. Read on below for some foods that can be added to your diet to regularise the menstrual cycle:


Ginger is rich in vitamin C and magnesium. It has numerous health benefits from reducing inflammation to warding off coughs and colds. Having a bit of grated ginger mixed with pink salt also works wonders for boosting digestion. Additionally, ginger can help to contract the uterine muscles which helps to smoothen the period cycle.

Cinnamon Water

Having cinnamon powder mixed in water is a grandmother's cure for period pain, cramps and PMS. Cinnamon and lukewarm water also help to warm the body and boost blood flow. A healthy blood flow to the uterus in turn promotes its smooth functioning, thereby regulating the monthly cycle.


A natural anti-inflammatory, turmeric has many healing properties. Indian cuisine incorporates turmeric in nearly every subzi or curry so it is easy to have it in moderate proportions for reducing the risk of infection. Having turmeric and milk before sleeping each night will gradually boost menstrual health and have a soothing effect on menstrual cramps.

Raisins And Kesar Water

A handy remedy to regularise periods, reduce period pain and PMS is soaking some raisins and kesar in water and having this upon waking up in the morning. Raisins are a natural laxative so they regulate the digestive system while keeping mood swings at bay. Kesar has a positive impact on serotonin activity and helps to ward off depression during periods.

Raw Papaya

A delicious salad made from raw papaya, crushed groundnuts and red chillies with a dash of lime is a wonderful one-dish meal. Raw papaya is extremely useful for contracting the muscles in the uterus which can lead to the release of blood and tissue to gradually regulate the cycle. 

Citrus Fruits

Fruits rich in vitamin C are essential for fostering a healthy uterine climate which will in turn boost a healthy cycle. Studies indicate that the ascorbic acid in fruits like oranges and strawberries can enhance the production of estrogen that can gradually work on regulating periods and ensuring a pain-free menstrual cycle.