5 Calcium-Rich Foods That Are Not Dairy
Image Credit: Chia seeds (Picture Courtesy: Pixabay)

Calcium is one of the significant nutrients for the human body that’s good for muscle strength and bone density. Many have complained of not getting enough calcium only through dairy products. Here is good news for each one of you who either abstain dairy product or are allergic to them. We all have been persuaded to drink milk twice a day, however, now we have found a list of food that can be a substitute for all your dairy products. 

Chia Seeds

 You can have 179gm of calcium from 2 tablespoons of chia seeds. The seeds are packed with boron, magnesium, and phosphorus which further help to promote muscles health.


You must have gobbled dozens of almonds before your exams with a glass of milk. Little did we know that those almonds are rich in calcium? Yes, you read that right. One cup of almonds consists of 385mg of calcium. However, we will suggest you eat almonds in the right proportion as they come with a high-calorie count as well.


Greens have their own set of nutrients and minerals. Broccoli for instance is a rich source of calcium. It also helps to build immunity against bladder, breast and stomach cancer.

Sweet Potato

 A sweet potato plate that you gorge on the streets can increase your calcium intake by adding 68mg to your diet. They are low in fibre and fat which makes them relatively a healthy and digestible snack.

Sunflower Seeds

Raw sunflower seeds are a good source of calcium. Since sunflower seeds have a high level of magnesium, they can boost your exercise performance, help you fight against depression, and also lower blood pressure.