5 Breakfast Recipes For An Iron-Rich Diet
Image Credit: Image: Shutterstock

One of the biggest drawbacks of our fast-paced urban lifestyle is that it leaves us no time to pause and focus on our health and well-being. Many a time, we fail to notice that our body is lacking the essential nutrients, which if not replenished may lead to several health issues. This is also the reason we need to focus on our diet. Iron is one of the most essential nutrients needed for the human body. However, many of us lack that. 

We may have grown up watching Popeye consume cans and cans of spinach (which is known to be rich in iron), but we never really included the same in our own diet, at least not in the required amount. Without enough iron in the body, it can’t produce enough haemoglobin and that results in us feeling lethargic and less energetic to do even the simplest of daily tasks. Have you ever felt too tired for a basic task? That could be a sign. Not just for growing kids, but according to experts, iron is important for people of all age groups.  

However, thankfully, unlike other vitamins and minerals, you don't need to load up on supplements to fulfil the iron requirement. You can boost iron levels in your body by consuming iron-rich foods. What's even better is that these foods are commonly found in Indian kitchens - from beetroot to spinach to pumpkin. So, if you want to load up on iron, we bring you some breakfast recipes to make.  

1. Stuffed Chickpea Parathas 

A rich source of iron, chickpeas is one of those ingredients that are easily available in an Indian kitchen and is also super versatile. Have leftover boiled chole from a meal? Stuff them up in parathas for your breakfast. Simply mix it with masalas and some veggies to give it an extra spin of flavour.    

2. Pumpkin Juice 

Pumpkin, besides having a plethora of antioxidants and minerals that could improve your health, is known to be a rich source of iron as well. Pumpkin seeds too are touted as one of the top sources of iron. And there’s no better way to consume it other than juicing it up. If you find the taste a little bitter, add some honey and lemon to it. 

3. Sesame And Flax Seeds Smoothies 

Smoothies are a perfect way to load up on healthy foods. Sesame and flax seeds are known to have an abundance of protein, fibre, antioxidants, and other nutrients. These include iron as well in a good amount. All you need to do is add some milk, honey, flaxseeds, and sesame seeds in a blender, blend well to a thick consistency, and drink it. 

4. Spinach Pancakes 

We know pancakes are generally sweet, but this one is a healthy and yummy spin to your usual maida pancakes. Whole wheat flour - mixed with spinach paste, eggs, curd, and seasonings - makes for such a wholesome treat that you would skip the usual ones from next time.  

5. Beetroot Milkshake 

Perfect veggie to load up on iron during winter season, beetroot is a versatile option. This smooth and delicious milkshake is loved by kids and adults alike. Simply add a scoop of vanilla ice cream to the milkshake and enjoy a sweet, creamy, and vibrantly pink milkshake for breakfast.